Lyrics for Party Love ~Okkiku Naritai~ from Ro-Kyu-Bu! by Ro-Kyu-Bu! (Ending #1)

♪Party love Party love Party love
♪Party love Party love Party love
hayaku okkiku naritai na

chicchai naraba,
chicchai nari no
yosa ga aru tte iu keredo……
sonna no uso!
kiyasume desho?
hayaku okkiku naritai!

gyuunyuu nonde,
tounyuu nonde,
asoko no ebi ga En datte!

kakudzuke nante iranai!
okkiku naritai!

doriburu jiguzagu difensu ofensu (n-!) …
shuuto ga shitai
hayaku homeraretai no
anata ni

“mitete, mitete, kimechau zo!”

janpu shite! janpu shite!
motto, motto, motto…
otona ni naru toki wa itsumo
seichouchuu! seichoutsuu!
setsunai itami…
dakedo zettai taete miseru!

yureru (yureru)
hazumu (hazumu)
fureru (fureru)
gooru mezashite!
aa! okkiku narita~i!
(Party love Party love)

oshite mo dame de
hiite mo dame de
osanai kara to iu keredo
sonna no iya!
atodzuke desho
hayaku okkiku naritai!

ofuro no naka de,
massaaji shite
serufu no kea ja muri datte
yuuki dashite…
dakedo yappari mojimoji!
okkiku naritai!

ribaan ribaan wan tsuu suteppu (n-!)
feiku wa shinai
1on1 no shoubu yo
anata to…

“sore de wa minasan, go-issho ni!”

janpu shite! janpu shite!
motto, motto, motto…
senobi wo shitara todoku kyori yo…!
seichouchuu! seichoutsuu!
setsunai itami…
sou yo zettai katte miseru!

yureru (yureru)
hazumu (hazumu)
fureru (fureru)
gooru mezashite!
aa! okkiku narita~i!

♪Party love Party love Party love
♪Party love Party love Party love
♪Party love Party love Party love
♪Party love Party love Party love....

janpu shite! janpu shite!
motto, motto, motto…
otona ni naru toki wa itsumo

janpu shite! janpu shite!
motto, motto, motto…
senobi wo shitara todoku kyori yo…!
seichouchuu! seichoutsuu!
setsunai itami…
sou yo zettai katte miseru!

yureru (yureru)
hazumu (hazumu)
fureru (fureru)
gooru mezashite!
aa! okkiku narita~i!
(Party love Party love)
♪ぱりら ぱりら ぱりら (ふーふー)
♪ぱりら ぱりら ぱりら (ふーふー)
はやくおっきくなりたいな (なー!)

そんなの嘘! 気休めでしょ?

AAA(トリプルエー)...... 格付けなんていらない!

ドリブル ジグザグ ディフェンス
オフェンス(んー!) ...シュートがしたい
はやくほめられたいの あなたに


ジャンプして! ジャンプして!
もっと、もっと、もっと... 大人になるときはいつも
成長中! 成長痛! せつないイタミ...

ああ! おっきくなりた~い! (ぱりら·ぱりら)

押してもだめで 引いてもだめで
幼いからと云うけれど そんなのイヤ! 後づけでしょ


リバーン リバーン ワンツー ステップ (んー!)
フェイクはしない 1on1(ワンオンワン)の勝負よ


ジャンプして! ジャンプして!
成長中! 成長痛! せつないイタミ...

ああ! おっきくなりた~い!

♪ぱりら ぱりら ぱりら......

ジャンプして! ジャンプして!

ジャンプして! ジャンプして!
成長中! 成長痛! せつないイタミ...

ああ! おっきくなりた~い! (ぱりら·ぱりら)

♪Party love Party love Party love (Fuu Fuu)
♪Party love Party love Party love (Fuu Fuu)
We want to grow up quickly! (Right!)

If we’re small,
You say there’s merit in being small but……
That’s a lie! Isn’t that just a consolation?
We want to grow up quickly!

Drinking cow’s milk, Drinking soy milk,
The shrimp over there’s grEat you say!
AAA……We don’t need stuff like ratings!
We want to grow up!

Dribble, Zig-zag, Defense,
Offense (Yeah!)…We want to shoot!
We want you to praise us soon!

“Look, Look, We’re going for it!”

Jump! Jump!
More, More, More…We’re always becoming adults.
We’re still growing! Growing pains! The pain hurts…
But we’ll show you that we can absolutely endure!

Swaying, Bounding, Contacting, Aim for the basket!
Ah! We want to grow up~! (Party love, Party love)

Pushing is no good, Pulling is no good,
“You’re still young” you say but, We don’t want that! Isn’t that dated for later?
We want to grow up quickly!

Inside the bath, Giving you a message,
Self care’s impossible we say.
We show courage…But we’re bashful after all!
We want to grow up!

Rebound, Rebound, One-two, Step! (Yeah!)
We’re not faking, It’s a 1-on-1 match,
With you…

“Well then everyone, Let’s go together!”

Jump! Jump!
More, More, More…
If we stand on our tiptoes we’ll reach the distance…!
We’re still growing! Growing pains! The pain hurts…
That’s right! We’ll show you that we can absolutely win!

Swaying, Bounding, Contacting, Aim for the basket!
Ah! We want to grow up~!

♪Party love Party love Party love……

Jump! Jump!
More, More, More…
We’re always becoming adults.

Jump! Jump!
More, More, More…
If we stand on our tiptoes we’ll reach the distance…!
We’re still growing! Growing pains! The pain hurts…
That’s right! We’ll show you that we can absolutely win!

Swaying, Bounding, Contacting, Aim for the basket!
Ah! We want to grow up~! (Party love, Party love)

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