Lyrics for Koi no Wana from Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Haruka Yamazaki (Ending #1)

Won't you show me all your secrets now ?

kawai ta kokoro moteamashi te tenkai nara kibun shidai
setsuna e to iza na u anata wa tawamure no naka de jiyū sugiru wa

Get out...

junshin muku na tsuru gi furikazasu watashi o
hageshiku inui te hoshii

Just say you love me
You know I've got a crush on you

tenshi no yō na hohoemi de mitsu yori mo amaku
koi no wana shikake te miru ( kanji te )
"nanji, ima sugu tsumibuka ki ai no gainen o kui aratame meyo"
kiyoraka ni michibikare te seinaru tamashī anata o dakishime tai

arayuru nageki ni ayatsurareuzumaku yokubō to yabō
oroka ni azamui te ki ta nara mayoi o nugisute zange shinasai

Get down...

tsumetaku se o muke te mo aishi sa kuruoshiku
midara ni ochi te yuku dake

Just say you want me
I know you'll get a crush on me

motto sunao ni kono kimochi sarakedashi taku te
koi no netsu uzui te kuru ( setsunaku )
"nanji, onore ni mori rareta ai no hōsoku o kai ( hodo ) ki hō teyo"
azayaka ni mezame te yuku seinaru honnō furachi na yume o ageru

Won't you show me all your secrets ?

junshin muku na tsuru gi doko made mo ubatte
hate made obore te yuku no

Just say you love me
You know I've got a crush on you

tenshi no yō na bi emi de mitsu yori mo amaku
koi no wana shikake te miru ( kanji te )
"nanji, ima sugu tsumibuka ki ai no gainen o kai aratame meyo"
kiyoraka ni michibikare te seinaru tamashī anata o dakishimeru wa
Won’t you show me all your secrets now?

渇いた心 持て余して 展開なら気分次第
刹那へと誘(いざな)うあなたは 戯れの中で 自由すぎるわ

Get out……

純真無垢な剣(つるぎ) 振り翳す私を
激しく 射抜いて欲しい

Just say you love me
You know I’ve got a crush on you

天使のような 微笑みで 蜜よりも甘く
恋の罠 仕掛けてみる(感じて)
“汝、今スグ 罪深キ 愛ノ概念ヲ 悔イ改メヨ”
清らかに導かれて 聖なる魂 あなたを抱きしめたい

あらゆる嘆きに操られ 渦巻く欲望と野望
愚かに欺いてきたなら 迷いを脱ぎ捨て 懺悔しなさい

Get down……

冷たく背を向けても 愛しさ狂おしく
淫らに 堕ちてゆくだけ

Just say you want me
I know you’ll get a crush on me

もっと素直に この気持ち さらけ出したくて
恋の熱 疼いてくる(切なく)
“汝、己ニ 守ラレタ 愛ノ法則ヲ 解(ほど)キ放テヨ”
鮮やかに目覚めてゆく 聖なる本能 不埒な夢をあげる

Won’t you show me all your secrets?

純真無垢な剣(つるぎ) どこまでも奪って
果てまで 溺れてゆくの

Just say you love me
You know I’ve got a crush on you

天使のような 微笑みで 蜜よりも甘く
恋の罠 仕掛けてみる(感じて)
“汝、今スグ 罪深キ 愛ノ概念ヲ 悔イ改メヨ”
清らかに導かれて 聖なる魂 あなたを抱きしめるわ
Won’t you show me all your secrets now?

My heart’s thirst is too much for me, my mood dictates what happens next.
Being led to live in the moment, you are too free in amusement.

Get out…

I want you to brand your holy sword
and violently pierce me with it!

Just say you love me
You know I’ve got a crush on you

With a smile of an angel, sweeter than honey,
I try setting up a trap of love. (Feel it!)
“Thy shall relent thine sinful notion of love thou hast.”
Leading you to purity, this holy soul wants to embrace you.

Influenced by grief, both greed and ambition begin to stir…
If you were foolishly deceived, discard your dis-enlightenment and repent.

Get down…

Even if you coldly turn your back on me… my love for you will be driven insane
and succumb to licentiousness.

Just say you want me
I know you’ll get a crush on me

I want to be more honest, lay my emotions bare,
and stir up with the passion of love. (Although painful.)
“Thy shall discard thine abstinence thou hast protected thus far.”
I’ll give your vividly awakened holy desires an immoral dream!

Won’t you show me all your secrets?

Take whatever you want with that holy sword of yours
and drown in greed ’till the end.

Just say you love me
You know I’ve got a crush on you

With a smile of an angel, sweeter than honey,
I try setting up a trap of love. (Feel it!)
“Thy shall relent thine sinful notion of love thou hast.”
Leading you to purity, this holy soul embraces you.

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