Lyrics for Cycle from Wolf's Rain by Gabriela Robin (Background Music)

a music act is what you need
two times enough
it leaves you under all the time
it's never versatile
tu-tu fuzzy think

ahn lo su tu-tah
it's a never whole new plahn caseema
leh shuuhn de vesh

agent e'tronic
duma luum me hehm catohm meh bluu'ah

+CYCLE, it's come of what you've seen us
oh, tee nah reh tah tee shuur (oh)
oh, CYCLE you, ahzmekuhl mee cree-yeh
ahzmekuhl mee cree-yeh, oh yeah

I might record androgyny
sometimes unique
it leaves you under all the time
and then I hope I've lost you
a mountain cunny eight

ahn lo su tu-kah
lihma ah reh pohm caseema
neh shuuhn de vaash

if you're e'tronic
duma luum me hehm catohm meh
green behind, I don't want you left behind

CYCLE, it's come of what you've seen us
oh, tee nah reh tah tee shuur (oh)
oh, CYCLE you, ahzmekuhl mee cree-yeh
ahzmekuhl mee cree-yeh


(ooh, sii yuu ka ree ka vehr reh)
(he-yeh, hey-yeh ooh...)

CYCLE, it's come of what you've seen us
oh, tee nah reh tah tee shuur (oh)
oh, CYCLE you, oh CYCLE mee cree-yeh
oh CYCLE mee cree-yeh

+repeat (x2, once in fade)

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