Lyrics for Secret and Lies from Tenshi na Konamaiki by Yuuka Saegusa (Ending #4)

Okitegami nante yamete Shouko wo nokosanaide
Hitori no yoru nandomo Naite shimai sou dakara

Aishou ga autte uranai Kirinuite techou ni hasande
Omamori shiteru watashi Douka warawanaite ne

Yurayura setsunasaga Madoromu kono heya de Only you
Tokiori saku yoru Asa ni wa aimai de Lonly heart

Iitai koto wa takusan Dakedo ne watashi wa marude
Koe wo nakushita MAMEIDO Mugon no toki ga nagareru yo

Secret & Lies
Hoshii mono wa nani mo nai yo Tada shinjiru tsuyosa ga hoshii dake
Secret & Lies
Ai sareru koto ni Funare de okubyou na watashi wo Dakishimete ite Ai wo tomenaide ite

Mamorenai yakusoku ni Kitsuite mite wa mata
Nakushita koi no KAKERA Sagashite mitsukete narabete ta

Imasugo dareka ni aitai Daredamo ii kara soba ni ite
HONTO wa sore ja DAME na koto Ichiban wakatteru hazu na no ni

Kurayami no naka wo Samayou kokoro ni wa I miss you
Anata no yasashisa ga Nani yori kowakatta Hold me tight

Anata wa aishite wa Ikenai hito dewa nakute
Kitto aishite wa kurenai hito ne zurui yo

Secret & Lies
Sakkimade tonari ni ita no wa Tashika ni anata datta yo ne
Secret & Lies
[Aishiteru] [Omae dake da yo]nante Tsumetai KISU Sonna uso dake kono heya nokoshite

Fill me up in my heart
You are so far away

Your love makes me cry
Kiss me tonight

Don’t you know my secret desire
Will you give me a part of your life
I am waiting for you now
You are mine but you are not mine

Secret & Lies
Hoshii mono wa nani mo nai yo Tada zutto soba ni ite hoshii dake
Secret & Lies
Ai suru hoto wa Tada sore dake de setsunai to shirimashita
Secret & Lies
Aoi natsu no kagerou
Baby again
yeah ...yeah ...yeah
Secret & Lies
Omoide wa utsushi sugite
No no no no no....
Secret & Lies
Tsuyoku naritai yo
Baby again
Motto motto motto
No no no no no....
Secret & Lies
Toki no nagare ni makenai you ne
No no no no no....
Secret & Lies Yeah

置き手紙なんてやめて 証拠を残さないで
一人の夜何度も 泣いてしまいそうだから

相性が合うって占い 切り抜いて手帳にはさんで
お守りにしてる私 どうか笑わないでね

ゆらゆらせつなさが まどろむこの部屋で Only you
時折咲く夜 朝にはあいまいで Lonely heart

言いたい事はたくさん だけどね私はまるで
声をなくしたマーメイド 無言の時が流れるよ

Secret & Lies
欲しい物は何もないよ ただ信じる強さが欲しいだけ
Secret & Lies
愛されることに 不慣れで臆病な私を 抱きしめていて 愛を止めないでいて

守れない約束に 傷ついてみてはまた
失くした恋のカケラ 探して見つけて並べてた

今すぐ誰かに逢いたい 誰でもいいからそばにいて
ホントはそれじゃダメなこと 一番わかってるはずなのに

暗闇の中を 彷徨う心には I miss you
あなたの優しさが 何より怖かった Hold me tight

あなたは愛しては いけない人ではなくて
きっと愛してはくれない人ね ずるいよ

Secret & Lies
さっきまで隣にいたのは 確かにあなただったよね
Secret & Lies
「愛してる」「お前だけだよ」なんて 冷たいキス そんな嘘だけこの部屋残して

Fill me up in my heart
You are so far away

Your love makes me cry
Kiss me tonight

Don’t you know my secret desire
Will you give me a part of your life
I am waiting for you now
You are mine but you are not mine

Secret & Lies
欲しい物は何もないよ ただずっとそばに居て欲しいだけ
Secret & Lies
愛することは ただそれだけでせつないと知りました
Secret & Lies
Baby again
yeah ...yeah ...yeah
Secret & Lies
No no no no no....
Secret & Lies
Baby again
もっと もっと もっと
Secret & Lies
Secret & Lies Yeah

Stop sending letters don't leave proof
because in just one night i cry so many times
our compatibility premonition is attached to my cut out agenda
please don't laugh because i protect you

the pain is falling asleep in this room only you
sometimes in the blooming night or in the morning my lonely heart is confused

there are lots of things i'd like to say but i've
become a voiceless mermaid and the silent times are passing by

Secret & Lies
I don't want anything but just strength to beleive
Secret & Lies
this coward me is still not used to be loved
so hug me and don't stop loving me

again i was hurt by the promise you didn't keep and yet
i tried serching for those lost pieces of my love
right now i just want to meet someone, anyone that stays by my side
altough the most important thing i know is that that's not right

in my wandering heart there is a black darkness I miss You
nothing frightens me more than your kindness hold me tight

it's not you are a person that cannot be loved
it's that you don't love in return right? that's unfair!

Secret & Lies
the one by my side until a while ago was you right?
Secret & Lies
words like "i love you" "you are the only one" and
a cold kiss are lies that remain in this room

Fill me up in my heart
You are so far away
Your love makes me cry
kiss me tonight

don't you know my secret desire
will you give me a part of your life
I am waiting for you now
you are mine but you are not mine

Secret & Lies
i don't want nothing, just you staying with me forever
Secret & Lies
i knew love would hurt that much

Secret & Lies the heat haze of a blue summer
baby again yeah ... yeah ... yeah
Secret & Lies my thougths are too beautiful
no no no no no no...

Secret & Lies i want to become stronger
baby again more more more
Secret & Lies I won't lose to the track of time
Secret & Lies yeah!

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