Lyrics for Till the End of Time from Silent Mobius by Mika Okudoi (Ending #2)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
You turned the light on
So I could see
All the love deep inside of me
You hush my sorrow, close my eyes
And I'll be yours
"Till the end of time

This kind of love
You can't deny
There's no excuse
There's no decline
When two hearts as one you find,
I'll be yours
"Till the end of time

You were standing there
Without a word
And then I knew love was real
If each tomorrow
I find your smile
Yes,I'll follow
"Till the end of time

And I'll be yours
"Till the end of time

Until the end of time
That's how long this love is
"Till the end of time
I'll be yours

You turned the light on
So I could see
All the love deep inside of me
You hush my sorrow, close my eyes
And I'll be yours
"Till the end of time
I'll be yours
"Till of end of time
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