Lyrics for Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta Nara from Kiki's Delivery Service by Arai Yumi (Ending #1)

chiisai koro wa kamisama ga ite
fushigini yume o kanaete kureta
yasashii kimochide mezameta asa wa
otonani nattemo kiseki wa okoru yo

KAATEN o hiraite shizukana komorebino
yasashisani tsutsumareta nara kitto
me ni utsuru subete no koto wa MESSEEJI

chiisai koro wa kamisama ga ite
mainichi ai o todokete kureta
kokoro no oku ni shimai wasureta
taisetsuna hako hiraku toki wa ima

ame agari no niwade kuchinashi no kaori no
yasashisani tsutsumareta nara kitto
me ni utsuru subete no koto wa MESSEEJI

KAATEN o hiraite shizuka na komorebino
yasashisani tsutsumareta nara kitto
me ni utsuru subete no koto wa MESSEEJI
小さい頃は 神さまがいて
不思議に夢を かなえてくれた
やさしい気持ちで 目覚めた朝は
おとなにたっても 奇蹟はおこるよ

カーテンを開いて 静かな木洩れ陽の
目にうつる全てのことは メッセージ

小さい頃は 神さまがいて
毎日愛を 届けてくれた
大切な箱 ひらくときは今

雨上がりの庭で くちなしの香りの
目にうつる全てのことは メッセージ

カーテンを開いて 静かな木洩れ陽の
目にうつる全てのことは メッセージ
When I was a child, God was there and made my mysterious dream come true.
With that tender feeling, even if I’m an adult when I wake up,
a miracle will happen.

I open the curtains, if I’m embraced by the
tenderness of the quiet sunspots, surely
everything reflected in my eyes will be my message.

When I was a child, God was there
and sent me love everyday.
I’ve forgotten that and left it deep in my heart,
the time to open that precious box is now!

After the rain, if I’m embraced by
the tenderness of that unspoken scent from the garden, surely
everything reflected in my eyes will be my message.

I open the curtains, if I’m embraced by the
tenderness of the quiet sunspots, surely
everything reflected in my eyes will be my message.

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