ichi tasu ichi wa ni
ni tasu ni wa yon
mo hitotsu tashitara
go GO! GO! GO!
minna no yuuki ga atsumatte
shoutotsu gatai hetenkou! "torya!"
yuke! ichi gou
tobe! ni gou
hashire! san gou
mogure! yon gou
utae! go gou
kokoro wa hitotsu
soujuuseki wa itsutsu
matomare awasero gamanshiro
ha! HA! ha! hatenkou robo
Ichi tasu ni waa san
San tasu san wa roku
Hitoutsu hiitara
go (GO GO GO?)
Minna ga katte ni atsumatte
Bouhatsu gattai hatenkou?!! (Deya!!)
Ute! Ichi gou
mamore! Ni gou
tatakae! San gou
Kirisake! Yon gou
koise yo! Go gou
Buki wa hitotsu
hissatsuwaza wa tasuuketsu
Kyouchou dangou minshushugi
Ha! HA! Ha! Hatenkou Robo
1 plus 1 is 2, 2 plus 2 is 4
Add one more and it's 5 (GO GO GO?)
Gathering the courage of everyone
The Unprecedented Collision-Combine?!!
Go! Number one, fly! Number 2, run! Number 3
Dig! Number 4, Sing! Number 5
One heart, 5 cockpits
Keep calm, join together, have patience
The Champion! HA! Ha! The Unprecedented Robo Dozibiron!
1 plus 2 is 3, 3 plus 3 is 6
Take away one and it's 5 (GO GO GO?)
Everyone gathers as they please
The Unprecedented Spontaneous Shot-Combine?!!
Attack! Number one, Protect! Number 2, Fight! Number 3
Tear them to pieces! Number 4, Love! Number 5
One weapon, countless special moves
Cooperate, Discuss, Elect
The Champion! HA! Ha! The Unprecedented Robo Dozibiron!