(current prize is 600 points)
Cryptography Challenge #30: "Daneel's Celestial Cipher"
Decode the encrypted message below:
The Vault was furnished with considerably more than six chairs, as though a larger company had been expected. Hardin noted that thoughtfully and seated himself wearily in a comer just as far from the other five as possible.

The Board members did not seem to object to that arrangement. They spoke among themselves in whispers, which fell off into sibilant monosyllables, and then into nothing at all. Of them all, only Jord Fara seemed even reasonably calm. He had produced a watch and was staring at it somberly.

Hardin glanced at his own watch and then at the glass cubicle - absolutely empty - that dominated half the room. It was the only unusual feature of the room, for aside from that there
was no indication that somewhere a computer was splitting off instants of time toward that precise moment when a muon stream would flow, a connection be made and-

The lights went dim!

They didn't go out, but merely yellowed and sank with a suddenness that made Hardin jump. He had lifted his eyes to the ceiling lights in startled fashion, and when he brought them down the glass cubicle was no longer empty.

A figure occupied it, a figure in a wheel chair!

It said nothing for a few moments, but it closed the book upon its lap and fingered it idly. And then it smiled, and the face seemed all alive.

It said, "I am Hari Seldon."

Hint 1
Hint 2

# User Points Time
1 zehippo 600 2008-03-10 16:10:19
2 dood. 600 2010-10-12 20:06:41
3 meduza 600 2010-10-18 16:15:18
4 dainex 600 2010-10-19 17:17:29
5 leanny 600 2010-11-05 14:58:52
6 nneonneo 600 2010-12-09 18:02:26
7 sigawngulan 600 2011-02-10 23:34:48
8 sh666666 600 2011-04-13 15:32:48
9 calvinmm 600 2011-04-13 15:35:43
10 Jay-Jay 600 2011-04-13 17:52:27
11 Hikaru Maruyama 600 2011-05-16 23:09:32
12 Snight 600 2011-08-14 07:26:13
13 matherror 600 2012-02-06 22:07:44
14 Dexmaster 600 2012-06-14 14:59:26
15 Bart13 600 2012-12-13 12:47:52
16 sajjad 600 2013-03-02 10:52:39
17 hillarryous 600 2013-04-08 07:52:18
18 carinae 600 2013-04-17 09:43:15
19 xendoqdo 600 2013-10-01 11:48:56
20 rezso11 rezso'11 600 2013-12-08 20:19:34
21 jasonbay13 600 2013-12-13 15:06:24
22 easy 600 2014-01-08 03:47:38
23 RocketeerBKW 600 2014-12-30 06:27:43
24 eXtremeShippuuden 600 2016-11-28 19:31:09
25 Kuro 600 2017-07-23 15:24:06
26 taiman 600 2019-08-18 06:01:46
27 Bogdan 600 2020-04-23 11:50:15

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