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Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by sai on 2006-11-12 03:27:06
Uoh... Many new arts since my last post...

Hey, nice drawings! You draw a little background for your pictures too... I'm not good with decorations ^^;
Mind telling me what you use to draw the lines? I don't think a pencil can make a solid line like that...

@Evil Kitty
Out of all those pictures, i like the chibis the best XD They're cute! Hohoho... I like your style of drawing chibis...

Wow nice coloring... How did you draw that electric thing between ginji's hands in the second picture?

Hey i like your drawing style! That's original... A nice shounen manga style drawing!
But maybe you can clean the picture a little next time? The sketch of the head is still showing a bit...^^
Hmm... At first i thought you were drawing Cloud in the last picture there... :P

Hmm, i like the last pic, that kinda reminds me of Flame of Recca... And the coloring is very nice! Did you use photoshop for that? In case you did, i wanna ask something... How do you make the shining effect on the dragon-like things? The outline looks as if they're emanating lights. And the ground blast thing... How did you color that? It looks very nice!

Hehe... sorry if i ask too much, but i need to know as much as possible about coloring with CG!
And so, my latest picture i made during my english lesson...

Hmm... I'm having the most trouble in cleaning this picture... i originally drew this on a lined note paper... To clean all those lines is simply a pain in the @ss... Well, i hope you can recognize who this is...

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-12 07:59:50
@ Sai ^^

Awesome pic!....i assume it's from Getbackers (though i admit i haven't seen it yet...please don't hit me) talents on drawing male characters is not as good as it should be. My kanji reading isn't great so i was wondering what the words say.

For the Minako drawings which i did wayyyy back i drew it with pencil first & cleaned up the lines by using a regular felt pen. I mainly use "STAEDTLER" pens like these STAEDTLER® pigment liner. It makes it easier to see when i scan them into my computer.

@ red ^^

Beautiful use of color for your pics...the first kinda reminded me of Dark from DN Angel. And i agree with Sai the glowing effects are really impressive...must have taken you awhile to do these...if not what is your secret. I'm kinda like a perfectioness (did i spell that right?) when it comes to using the PC to color.

@Katsuomori ^^

Again another brilliant piece of work though i do have one minor detail to say....though the overall pic is super the girls arm around the guy seems abit out of seems a tad big...though it cold be the angle that makes it look that way. If it is forget what i just said....ehe.

@jehuty ^^

I agree one of the pics is incomplete....the colored ones are fantastic (like i said i envy people who can color)...& by the way to be considerate to "dial-up" users i suggest making your pics "thumbnailed" & if you're using Photobucket that is easily achieved by using the "generate Html & IMG codes" on the bottom of the site. Just some advice...

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-11-12 10:15:33 (edited 2006-11-12 10:22:48)
Well, Evil_kitty ordered me (I lost the bet) to draw something, so I did. I almost never draw, so it isn't good. I also didn't know what to draw and this was the first thing that came to mind.

I watched "Saw 3" two nights ago, so I think that might have been the inspiration for this drawing...

Please, tell me how horrible and ill drawn it is. That way, Evil_kitty will feel ashamed for having made me do it and won't make me do another one.

- Evil_kitty and Michiyo are greatest!

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-12 14:43:59
@Izumo: Pretty. I used to draw sailormoon characters too, but that was when I was eight and they sucked ^^;

Katsuomori: I cannot believe how unbelievably slow my brain is to forget commenting about yours! *hits herself on the head* Anyways, I really love your style. Me likes ^^

Red: great colouring as always because I can't....yet. I love the use of orange which makes it stand out.

Sai: Hehe, Ban is so cool. I love him. Even in your style it looks great especially the shading. ^^

Engineer: WAH!!! Scary! *closes eyes* reminds me of when I first watched the movie. It was so sick! this is suitable for a maccabre genre if it was posted in deviantart. And don't worry, I was going to make you do only one anyway ^^
A question still remains though, I still don't know why I find blood appealing
*evil laugh*

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Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-12 19:38:19 (edited 2006-11-13 16:37:31)
@Izumo: Hmmm... I thought of that and still thinking about that as that is to me an optical illusion. Why? Because the length and the thickness of the hand is proportional to another and yer it looks a little funny... strange isn't it?

Anyway thanks everyone and nice drawings. ^^

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-11-15 21:02:00
Yes, i'm using photoshop to colouring my last pict, nice isn't it. The effect is creted by manipulating inner glow and outer glow at the same time (for Dragons) and the ground way i'll tell you it's my secret technique...mwehehe....

Hmm thanks. Actually the hardest part of colouring my last pict is when i separating each part as diferent layer, it takes hours. The effect itself created in less than 5 minutes. ^_^

@evil kitty

Btw, i already created 2 new pict, but i haven't ink it yet. I'll post it when i'm done inking the pict. And the full coloured pict will posted later.


Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-16 20:02:01
@ Katsuomori

Hmmmm...i kinda thought so....just a question if you don't mind me asking. Did you attend any schooling when it comes to drawing? or was it all self taught by just practicing alot? Or a little of both? I say this cause i can see the shape lines in your drawings & most schools that is a priority in their teachings. Getting the body & appendages to be proportional to each other.

If you wanna know i took classes in life-drawing, perpective, 2D animation, & comic book. For the most part i completed them & contemplating if i should try my hand at 3D animation....though personally i prefer the old-fashioned way.

The name "Hybrid fusion" is it part of your manga story or something else. If so have you come up with a storyline or anything that may lead to future projects. Sorry for all the questions just curious about your talents & a fellow artist.

@ red

I know what you mean about seperating your drawing into layers & how time consuming that can be. If i could master that part of PC coloring everything would be done so much faster & easier. I'm always in awe of how the pros can get stuff like these done in a few hours. One of my fave artist Ms. Kazue Yamamoto (which you can see a sample of her art in my profile) i got the chance to meet her at Anime Expo 05....she said from start to finish she can have a CG art done in on average 2 hours (from the sketch to full on color!!!). That is impressive if you ever see her full CG...the color & detail are amazing.

Anyways your welcome & hope to see morefantastic pieces from yourself....i have some mighty shoes to follow when i "eventually XP" post my newest stuff....(sigh).

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-16 20:27:34 (edited 2006-11-16 20:29:16)
@Izumo: Well... I didn't take any classes that got to do anything with art... it's more to a self-taught by just practicing (not to much because I'm rather busy most of the times with my studies) Shape lines... well actually based on what I read in books. Body proportion...actually it's just to make the drawing character lok nice and logical.

I didn't take any art classes because I don't have time for them as I'm busy with Maths, Physics, Chemistry and etc tuitions. No one was there to teach me so I decided to set my own effort by slotting my time... going to the library to borrow books and buy some books (manga and guide books) and just learn the hard way. Did well at the first try... and practice slowly and it took me a few months to master it well... So I'm more in disadvantage in sense of people guiding me or teaching me in art.

The 'Hybrid Fusion' if you must know isn't actually the name of manga but my self-project as I have 4 of them so far. There are 'The Triads', 'Blanc et Noire', 'Hybrid Fusion Project' and the comic which I was curious enough to make (My friends' recommendation) and haven't planned to name it yet. I'm currently working on another comic based on my own self-made novel. By the way, I never use the internet as the source of infomation due to several reasonable reasons. I guess talents comes from my parents (they aren't artists).

Hope that answer your curiousity. ^^

PS: The names of the project are copywrited... laugh at me if want to. I don't mind.

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by neko-chi / neko-sama on 2006-11-16 22:28:35
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my drawing..

|=x=|neko-sama|=x=|Image Hosted by

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-11-18 07:19:14
This is my new pict. I try different colouring style, hope this better than the last one. Enjoy and please give me your comments, okay ?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-18 20:38:45
@katsuomori: Haha, you're just like me. I don't take classes either ^^ I guess drawing just comes naturally to me. Maybe it's also from my parents genes (both of them are creative in their own way) My mom used to do interior design while my dad is more on caligraphy.

@neko-chan: Ooh...that's just lovely. Something about the dress design looks familiar. Reminds me of the one sakura wore from Tsubasa Chronicles, not the same one just the type of dress. I love her hairband. Me want one too! ^^

@Red: WHEE!!! More colours! I SO envy you! I really have to continue the color project of mine someday. Thanks to you I feel a bit encouraged to try finish it.

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Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by neko-chi / neko-sama on 2006-11-18 22:52:00
i'm currently watching le chevalier d'eon and inspired to draw this pic...haha...thx for your compliment...i never attend any classes also...^^

|=x=|neko-sama|=x=|Image Hosted by

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-19 20:54:55 (edited 2006-11-19 21:30:31)
Oh! Nice drawings guys ^-^ Red, I like yours alot. Reminds me of Meru for some odd reason, but goodjob on drawing and coloring :)

Neko, yours is great, and very detailed, its awsome!

Hey evil kitty, i tried coloring the pic i wanted to try, but then after ps crashed, the pic and with some others did and i tried to find it again, but couldnt. Could I possibly try the one that has "welcome to gendou" on it?

I've been trying to get back into drawing. Its progressing VERY slowly, but instead of doing highly detailed stuff like you guys, I'm gonna start off easy and do Chibi Art. I recently finished my first attempt at a chibi character, but my scanner/printer finally gave up in life. I got a digi, I'll take a pic of it and upload it (lol) once I find some batteries for it. Lol, thats just so lazy, but it works in some ways ^^

Here it is:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yea, I know its a bad pic, but its my first in 3 or 4 years, so yea, I thought it'll be worse than this....
(probably should've outlined it, oh well)

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-19 23:56:58
Oh, poor Kayin! ^^;
The chibi's not too bad. The thing about anime is that you can draw it in any style (that's what I heard from a friend) It's a good start. There's a comical feel to it ^^

Welcome to gendou? How about this one? I made two, but I think this one would be easier to colour as I finally outlined it in pen.

Good luck! ^^

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-20 08:18:17
My wittle chibi reminds you of Mandy, it looks like she was not ment to smile, but when I made her smile, it destoried the natural order of things T_T

Anyway, yea this is better. I havn't tried yet (and I wanted to do it right now while I'm in school, but the stupid secirity blocked it), but the looks of it seems perfect. Thanks for allowing me to color one of your pictures ^-^

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by sai on 2006-11-20 08:54:41
Pelit u... XD okay, are you saying that a magician shouldn't reveal their secrets? Che, i guess i'll have to learn by myself... Then i wanna ask, do you learn coloring all by yourself?
Oh, and that last picture is nice! But one thing... that glow from his head to his shoulders makes the background looks as if it's cut by the shape of that guy...

Uhh... I'd really like to see how pros getting their job done... when i see PC anime games, i'm always amazed at how they're coloring it... The shading, the details, and the hair... argh it's flawless... X(

@neko -sama
Hey that's a style i haven't seen yet... Impressive!

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by neko-chi / neko-sama on 2006-11-20 21:50:54 (edited 2006-11-20 22:33:24)
my style?? r u indonesian? i'm also indonesian...yoroshiku^^

anyway, this is another drawing of mine..
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|=x=|neko-sama|=x=|Image Hosted by

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-20 23:04:10
Sorry its not professional coloring, but this is my first time actually coloring something this detailed (with shadows). Thanks again for letting me color one of your pictures kitty ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

(As you can tell, I have bad color decisions, and I just left that book white, wasn't creative enough to color it -_-;)

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-20 23:32:57
@neko-sama: Huh, wha? For a moment I thought I was looking at an old drawing style of mine XD

@Kayin: I WUV YOU! XD
You've just made my day! I've always wanted to know how my pictures look like in colour!
I'm SO saving this. Nice job Kayin, and don't be so hard on yourself. The colours are just fine ^^
I'm gonna treasure this always! X3

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: continuation...u draw anime
Link | by on 2006-11-21 13:27:53 (edited 2006-11-21 13:29:37)
Yay! xD!!! I'm so glad you liked it!!! ^-^ I didn't know what to color the shirt, so I just made it green (havn't seen a green shirt in a while though). I'm looking foward in coloring one of your drawings again kitty ^-^
(oops, I colored a little bit outside the lines. oh well lol)

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