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Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by quamp on 2007-01-20 17:24:47 (edited 2007-01-20 17:28:15)
Najica Blitz Tatics correction:

Najica - Hide type should be OP1
Body and Mind - Hide type should be ED1

Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai correction:

Treat or Goblins - Hide type should be OP1
Anata no Kokoro ni - Hide type should be ED1

Image hosting by Photobucket My Avatar,

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by ZroG on 2007-01-24 12:20:03 (edited 2007-01-24 12:20:20)

Piece by Asami Yamamoto is not the 2nd ending theme of the Witchblade anime. It is Kutsu Himo by Asami Yamamoto

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by gendou on 2007-01-24 12:29:09
Not according to anime news network...

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by ZroG on 2007-01-24 14:31:56 (edited 2007-01-24 14:36:29)
I see...

however, they actually have it wrong as well. I'll provide video proof of this...

Here is the actual ending footage from Witchblade. The song is named "Kutsu Himo"

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by gendou on 2007-01-24 15:14:06 (edited 2007-01-24 15:15:32)
a youtube video is hardly an authoritative source.
just because someone overlayed that song with the video from the ending does not make it the official ending theme.
please think before you make claims that others are wrong.

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-01-27 04:00:12
Hishoku no Sora (TV Size) for Shakugan no Shana by Mami Kawada

It's not ED03 , it's an OP01

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by dark on 2007-01-28 20:40:16 (edited 2007-01-28 20:46:13)
after stupidly making a thread(deleted) i found this thread for help,the song i uploaded(cross heart) i found that the artist is not day break(its actually CooRie) and that its the OP for kyoshiro to tawa(OP1) no sora not ayashi no ceres

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by kenrich on 2007-01-28 23:42:10
Anime: Witch Hunter Robin

The labels for some songs in OP/ED are incorrect, I will post info from ANN for reference:

Opening Theme:
"Shell" by Bana
Ending Theme:
#1: "Half Pain" by Bana (eps 01-14,16-25)
#2: "Shell (instrumental)" by Bana (eps 15,26)

I also went back to the anime and manually confirmed this information. :) :) :)

I'll see if i can find any more from older ones...

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by ℓ٥ﻻﻉ√٥υ on 2007-01-28 23:59:07
They have already done the two songs u have requested to fix!

"Shell (Karaoke)" ED02

"Half Pain" ED01

so you should worry about this problem:

"Shell" ED02

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by bkno9 on 2007-02-12 16:59:28

the song 'Hikari' from Fate/Stay Night is already in the download section.

The correct spelling should be 'Jyukai' and not Jukai for all songs credited as such.


Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by gendou on 2007-02-12 22:05:41
i don't much care for how cdjapan romanizes japanese. i shall stick to "proper" romaji, thank you very much.

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by bkno9 on 2007-02-13 21:44:02 (edited 2007-02-13 21:48:55)
"i don't much care for how cdjapan romanizes japanese. i shall stick to "proper" romaji, thank you very much."

sorry, i admit that my knowledge of the japanese language and its writngs are somewhat limited, but the name 'jyukai' is what the duo call themselves.

the reason i pointed this out is that i was doing a google search for 'jukai' after hearing a couple of songs from them which i downloaded from your excellent site, but all the hits were irrelevant.

so i just wanted to do a favour for other japanese-pop music lovers XD. the http below is the wikipedia listing for the group. it's not an entirely reliable source, i know, but there's a picture of one of their albums. The writing is small, but you can make out the name 'jyukai' on the cover.

Edit: the http for their official website -

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by chaosakita on 2007-02-15 08:40:08
The current "Aizome" in the DB is actually "Aizome ~ Futakomori~" a self-cover by the composers by the song. The karaoke for Aizome is actually for the latter song too.

Also, there is no "Itsumo Nandodemo (Piano)." I've looked everywhere, and I couldn't find it. Plus, it does not appear on the Spirited Away OST track listing.

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by fumetsu on 2007-02-15 12:38:54

I'm pretty sure the name of the anime is Cybaster. It was aired on Locomotion a couple years ago here in Brazil.

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by gendou on 2007-02-15 13:58:45

no hablo español, amigo.

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by kudan on 2007-02-16 00:41:29

The anime title should be "Tsubasa Chronicle", not "Tsubasa Chronicles" ^^

From Wikipedia:

It was later adapted into an anime series, Tsubasa Chronicle (ツバサ・クロニクル, Tsubasa Kuronikuru), by Bee Train, which has finished its first two seasons, with a third set to air from April 2007.

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by gendou on 2007-02-16 00:43:06
some people type the "s" so i leave it there just in case.

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by Raijinili on 2007-02-19 19:32:17

Reversed artist name, and two of the songs are listed as "E03" but they have SLIGHTLY different names. Wikipedia says that song is "Kimi to no Ashita", but I don't know if those two songs are the same because I haven't listened to the two.

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by pietard on 2007-02-20 18:22:29

According to the Cooking Master Boy entry at

"空 (Sora)" by Maki Ohguro is OP01 not ed01
ED01 is "青い空に出逢えた (Aoi Sora ni Deaeta)" by Arisa Tsujio not by Hayama Takeshi

Re: Report Database Mistake/Typo
Link | by hitsugaara on 2007-02-24 00:26:10

The song "Ranma no Baka" is actually titled "Yasashii, Ii Ko ni Narenai"

And me, because I have this song on CD.

Heh, if it weren't for the information input thing, I never would have noticed this.

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