See other polls! Poll: If one day, someone that look exactly like you, appear before you, what are your thoughts?
Poll Closed 2011-12-31
33 26.61%
One of us has to die...
22 17.74%
My doppelganger?
12 9.68%
Cool, there is actually someone like me!
8 6.45%
da fuck?
6 4.84%
Must have watch too much anime last night...
5 4.03%
A clone?
3 2.42%
Am I seeing things?
3 2.42%
Say hi and ask him to replace me, while I go do things I really wanted to do.
3 2.42%
Ooooooh. So that's what I look like to other people...
3 2.42%
Am I awake?
2 1.61%
2 1.61%
time for some fun
2 1.61%
Oh no, another person who looks just like me. Maybe I should get a different hairstyle.
2 1.61%
Korosu !!
2 1.61%
I must be looking into a mirror?
2 1.61%
Go back to bed, while having him/her do everything I needed to get done for the day.
2 1.61%
Yes! I successfully mastered Shadow Clone Jutsu!
1 0.81%
Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!
1 0.81%
1 0.81%
1 0.81%
am i dead?
1 0.81%
Ask him whether he is living in happiness or not
1 0.81%
Get on the bed >:3
1 0.81%
This must be the end of the world
1 0.81%
She'd better be worthy enough to be my doppelganger or else she'd better disappear -.-
1 0.81%
Here already, eh?
1 0.81%
1 0.81%
oh no he's coming to get me
1 0.81%
Oh great, as if one of me wasn't enough...
1 0.81%
I see that every day. I'm a twin.
1 0.81%
ignore them
1 0.81%

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