See other polls! Poll: Do girls/women look better with or without makeup?
Without makeup. The natural look is more beautiful and isn't fake.
41 46.59%
Depends. A little makeup wouldn't hurt and some do need makeup to look better.
30 34.09%
I honestly don't know and don't really care
5 5.68%
A little makeup
4 4.55%
Let's be honest here. Truth is, makeup ALWAYS makes a girl look better and looks ALWAYS come first. Nowadays you rarely see a girl that isn't wearing a little makeup. If a girl didn't wear makeup, would you actually be attracted to her in the first place?
3 3.41%
With makeup. It makes them stand out and accentuate their beauty more.
2 2.27%
A fake will never beat the original
1 1.14%
inner beauty. they just have to smile more to make people see their beauty
1 1.14%
There's not a lot of girls that can pull off the natural look though...and even when we think they have a natural look, they always end up having some makeup on :\
1 1.14%

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