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get backers fanfic...complete it guys.
Link | by thundergod on 2005-01-15 04:14:22
Complete the story but leave suspense so others can answer it too... u know what i mean, just see what i'm gonna do.
"Uh ban?" "What?" Ban asked sheepishly and lit a cigarrete. "I'm hungry. Let's get steak. Please?!" Ginji knelt on the floor and begged. He hugged ban's left leg and shook it endlessly. "Hey would you quit it? Hey! Ow!!" Somebody threw a helmet at Ban. "What the hell?!" ban and Ginji looked back and was surprised by the site of...

...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right... -wildstriker_09

Re: get backers fanfic...complete it guys.
Link | by Sei on 2005-01-15 05:56:37
OhhhHHhh... interesting.
What the hell?!" ban and Ginji looked back and was surprised by the site (or sight?) of...
Ban glared at the blonde and took the helmet. He paused for awhile and spoke to himself. "What the heck does this babylon guy want this time. And where did he get this helmet?! Hey, wait a minute. This is Himiko's." Ban shifed his gaze from Himiko's helmet back to Kagami, who seems a little bit serious and taking no amusement from what he did.
"What do you want?" Ban asked.
"We have to talk." Kagami said and narrowed his eyes. "in private."
Ban and Ginji exchanged looks, but Ban obliged and follwed Kagami out of Honky Tonk.
Outside, the two lads were silent, and it was starting to annoy the spiky-haired Get Backer.
"Are we just gonna stand here?" asked Ban to Kagami.
Kagami then turned and faced Ban. "The last children..."
Ban frowned. "How did he know...", he asked himself.
"Tonight...." Kagami continued.
"What about tonight?" Ban asked, the frown never leaving his face.
"Tonight will be.............."

"This world must be right... and if it is, I am a bad little sheep who cannot conform to it."
- Sei Satou | Rosa Gigantea

Re: get backers fanfic...complete it guys.
Link | by thundergod on 2005-02-25 22:57:44
"Tonight will be what?! The hell with you Kagami!!!" Ban threw the helmet back to Kagami and left.
"the curse is not yet lifted Mido. Not yet."
Kagami left with a smirk on his face.
"Damn you!!"
Ban went back inside and saw Ginji at their "office" talking to someone wearing a long hooded gray jacket. "Hey Ginji! who are you talking to?" the mysterious person looked back and Ban was surprised. "You--you?!

...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right... -wildstriker_09

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