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I need suggestions!
Link | by Amy-Chan on 2005-02-08 18:32:55
Okay. I love El Hazard, really loved Escaflowne(Dilandau rules) and Slayers. But what I need is an anime makeover.

What else should I invest in watching? I might try Full Metal Alchemist.

Well, I'm a writer. I love writing. Thanks to Gendou's page, the music helps me inspire songs and the such. I owe that man more than anything. I love anime, video games and all.

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by Neo on 2005-02-08 18:55:26
Well, based on your what you've previously watched, it seems you like magical/fantasy/adventure type anime in a medieval-like setting...

FullMetal Alchemist falls under this category, so it really isn't a makeover for you, but you'll likely enjoy it anyway...

Can't really suggest anything new, since most great anime falls under this genre... so just stick with FMA...

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by Sei on 2005-02-09 05:16:55
I suggest you watch anime of different genres.

"This world must be right... and if it is, I am a bad little sheep who cannot conform to it."
- Sei Satou | Rosa Gigantea

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by ladyfoxx on 2005-02-10 00:52:48
It really sounds like you are into that sci-fi/fantasy genre, as someone has already mentioned, but have you considered comedy?

I dont know, but majority of the guys I know LOVE Excel Saga and Pumi Pumi Poemi. (they were'nt to my liking cuz I couldnt understand the humor) You could also watch Golden Boy. It's sorta old I believe, but it cracked me up.

Hope this helps. :)

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by Amy-Chan on 2005-02-17 20:35:49
I forgot to list those. I LOVE comedy too. Puni Puni Poemi and the Excel Saga had me crackin' up. Especially about bowling since I looove to bowl!

Well, I'm a writer. I love writing. Thanks to Gendou's page, the music helps me inspire songs and the such. I owe that man more than anything. I love anime, video games and all.

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by Safersephiroth on 2005-02-18 21:12:26
I don't know if this is going to help you, but if you want explore new genres or just new animes you could try:
Fantasy: Record of Lodoss War Ovas then TV Series, X TV, Scrapped Princess
Comedy: GTO, I My Me Strawberry Eggs, Fruits Basket, Aah! Megami-sama(Aah! My Goddess)
Sci-fi: Gundam SEED then Gundam SEED Destiny, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop
Full Metal Alchemist is a good choice I just ended it and enjoyed quite a bit.
Sorry if this doesn't help you, but I hope that it helps...

I'm only a nameless shinobi, a common person like you must not fall in love with me, Gomen! "GNO" (Great Ninja Onizuka)

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by freakinduck89 on 2005-02-18 21:16:36
school rumble. great stuff.

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by mitsuki on 2005-02-19 05:48:59
it depends on your tastes on anime if you like action, mystery romance or cute animes...
but if you like cute animes... try full moon wo sagashite... kawaii!

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by csmith_fan on 2005-02-19 15:52:37
well, you could also try some "old school" anime that was shown in the US back in the 1980s. I know that Robotech (aka Macross) just got remastered and is available now...there's also Starblazers (which makes two cameos in a sense in later anime...'Project A-Ko' and 'Martian Sucessor Nadesico'). If you're into cutsey 'kid" type..go for "Kimba the White Lion".

Now something more modern, but a change in pace..definatly check out "Metropolis". It's worth buying. Good storyline, great music (including an innovative use of the Ray Charles version of "I Cant Stop Loving You") and of course, it's from Tezuka Osamu...sort of (watch the interview with Katsuhiro Otomo and Rintaro and you'll understand)

Of course it's really all up to you and what kind of genre change you want.

"Never underestimate the power of a cabbit"

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by Oage on 2005-02-20 13:56:14
Mai HiME
Mujin Wakusei Survive
Yakitate Japan
Ultra Maniac

Those are some of my fave that are worth watching.

Shift intensity

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by ladyfoxx on 2005-02-21 14:48:51
so you've already tried comdey, that's good. Oh, I like, dont laugh but I really LOVE Sailor Moon. You have to watch from beginning to end to enjoy it fully; dont start off in the middle or something, you'll ruin it for yourself.

Or you can try Kare Kano, Marmalade Boy, Ranma 1/2; which are for you if you like boy/girl funny situations. And ... Noir cuz the music is great with a pretty intriguing storyline (pple i know call it a girl-anime).

Honestly I try to watch anime from every genre to just experience the differences. Oh, try demonic-like/funny: Bastard and Devil Man.

ok ok... NOW i hope this list helps! ^.^

Re: I need suggestions!
Link | by Amy-Chan on 2005-02-26 17:50:31
I cried. That was beautiful, especially the old classic feel to it. I really loved the ending song too.

But I really love to laugh, a comedy with possible fantasy that isn't difficult to understand. No robots for me with some rare exceptions(I love Megaman after all)

But I also like things with a villain you just LOVE to hate. Unique and stuff. Then again I worship Dilandau. I wonder if that's healthy?

Ah well!

Well, I'm a writer. I love writing. Thanks to Gendou's page, the music helps me inspire songs and the such. I owe that man more than anything. I love anime, video games and all.

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