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FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by ninjagirl on 2006-04-27 17:38:08
I just watched the English version of Advent Children and the voices made my ears bleed. The only ones who had a good voice were Sephiroth and Cloud. But the graphics were beatiful never the less.

What do you think?

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-04-27 18:04:37
I prefer Japanese version though.....
both seiyuu of Sephiroth and Cloud are my fav^^~


Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Feyon on 2006-04-27 18:17:22
Obviously Japanese would be wicked


Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by on 2006-04-27 18:30:12
the Japanese Version is much better than the English version...

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by lionsaysroar on 2006-04-27 18:55:25
The Japanese version is much better.

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Lucifer on 2006-04-27 18:57:50
Me too, prefer Japanese version..

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by HongyNgyWongy on 2006-04-27 19:03:26
Japanese is better
English is worse (least you dont have to read the subs)

Busy playing games Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting lalalalala

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-04-28 00:15:48
japanese is alwys the best
english is overrated

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Yukimura on 2006-04-28 00:20:38
Why? Most anime fans prefer subbed with japanese audio to dubbed. I myself am leaning in that direction, however I almost always accept the voices I hear in english even if they suck. I like hearing things in my native language, and I assume most peope do too. So why is it that so many of us prefer reading and watching shows in another language?

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-04-28 00:25:59
people watch shows in another language because its intriguing and its a change from their language and it makes them want to learn it

i dont like subtitles because you spend too much time reading instead of actually watching the movie

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-28 02:34:17
Japanese obviously...-_-;
The english version.....Tifa sounds so wrong...So does Kadajj

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by BabyBoiBlue on 2006-04-28 08:00:55
JAPANESE Version Rules!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! God Bless! :p

BabyBoiBlue, Your Friendly Neighborhood ONII-SAN!

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by himeko on 2006-04-28 12:00:54

MAHO!!Image Hosted by

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Crossfade on 2006-04-28 16:50:24
I dont even consider this a question .

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by DamnitsCloudy on 2006-04-28 18:11:34
I didn't think the english version was THAT bad, but some of the voices totally didn't fit. Like Cait Sith's was awful, as was Red XIII's. Barret's voice fit perfect I thought, as well as Clod boy and Sephy. Atleast Cloud is still emo after the wouldn't be the same guy if it wasn't XD

Marse Hughes

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-04-29 00:17:41
I think Japanese is better--!

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Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by genome on 2006-04-29 01:32:36
the english dub was severely depressing.considering the amount of time we waited they could have got better voice actors or put more emotion into it.

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by Aya. on 2006-04-29 05:05:31
Haven't watched the english version but the voices in the japanese version was beautiful T_T~ You just made me not want to buy the american umd version of it =o.

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by on 2006-04-29 06:19:18
Like some said....there were some pretty good performances...Cloud & Seph stand out. Many were tolerable but like genome said....a little disapponting since they took so long.

I thought many of them felt uninspired....sounded like they were just reading off cue-cards....not much emotion. I don't mind dubbing if there was some emotion put into it...i didn't notice it here. Many of the actors were in Kingdom Hearts 2 & i found they were better in that.

Re: FF VII:Advent Children-English or Japanese
Link | by DamnitsCloudy on 2006-04-29 08:36:33
the VA's in Kingdom Hearts 2 were pretty un-inspired too (Aeris, Yuffie). So when I heard the same VAs were in the English version of AC I cried. They wern't too bad tho...they didn't have very many lines (thank goodness!)

Marse Hughes

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