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japanese proficiency exam
Link | by korndog on 2006-05-02 22:05:49
my teacher suggested i take this test for a scholership to go learn in japan. Has anyone taken a similar test? do u know how difficult it is? can u suggest any books that might help me study for it? any help would be really appricated
thanks :)

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by on 2006-05-02 23:43:42
If you're going to study in Japan, take this exam, especially for te scholarship!

Here's more information:
What is the JLPT like?
News on the JLPT

I'm personally planning to take the Level 3 exam this Winter.

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by korndog on 2006-05-03 00:16:27
cool, this helps me a lot. i didn't even know there were levels :-/
when i saw level 1 i almost passed out, LOL, i think i can get level 4 as of now, maybe level 3 by the time of the test, i just hope thats enough for the scholership. they said that the test is 3 hours long though, which fits with the level 1 test (yikes), either way i'll just aim for the 3rd like you.
thanks for your help!

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by on 2006-05-03 00:36:45
I just kind of want to do Level 4 for the hell of it. :P But it costs money, so Level 3, here I come this winter.. I hope!

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by korndog on 2006-05-03 11:43:26
lol, yea, i would too.
do u know how much it costs to take the test?

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by shiroyuu on 2006-05-09 01:20:05
.........i forgot =.=
but somewhere in my mind i remember it's relatively cheap.

well, yeah. this test is pretty useful in getting a scholarship to japan. or rather, it's useful after you've gotten a scholarship to japan, in order to promote yourself for the best universities in japan. with this piece of certificate + continuous hard work, todai isn't impossible.

i heard.

current favourite(s): niconico douga!!!!!

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by wisteria 「藤」 on 2006-05-09 02:29:16
I took and passed 2kyu after 2 years of intensive studying in Japan. o_o I think it would take twice that much to pass 1kyu.

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by shiseiten_no_akira on 2007-02-28 08:45:15
I passed Level 2, and I'm planning to take level 1 this December. I have a LOT to study! (>_<)

I highly recommend people to take Level 3 before going to Japan. Knowing Level 3 is enough to engage in daily conversation.. not just the basics but a real true-to-life-not-just-stuck-to-greetings-and-superfluous-statements type of conversation. Then you won't feel all lost and clueless when you get to Japan (^_^)

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Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by Kazuya on 2007-03-13 10:22:16 (edited 2007-03-13 10:23:59)
i'm suppossed to take JLPT 4 last year. O_O
but i told my sensei that i'm kinda busy with my major subjects.
errr...can i like skip lvl4 and proceed to lvl3?
i'll do a lot of studying this year. -_-

District 7 | Slytherin | Erudite

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by on 2007-03-23 16:17:18 (edited 2007-03-23 16:22:03)
Passing the test also means that you can acquired for a job or even a part time job....
its not only for scholarship after all....
the certificate will be a good proof that you can speak and understand japanese...
im trying to pass the level 1 and its quite difficult.

There are currently 4 levels on JLPT and I already passed level 3....
this December I will take the 2nd Level...
which means, I have to study thrice....

*thats painful*

You can also skip the level test depending on your capabilities to speak, write and understand Japanese.
Good Luck to all fellows here who will take the JLPT Exams

*oh...I forgot im also taking the exam*

im also a FILIPINO^^

You can visit me there!!

Re: japanese proficiency exam
Link | by on 2007-04-01 16:01:21 (edited 2007-04-01 16:27:16)
I'm 12 years old and I could pass 1kyu!!(I'm from Brazil but my mom come(?) from Japan xD)...Do Your best!!!GANBARE-- AH...I'm in Brazil...(Is night Now xD)


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