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G.S.D credits song
Link | by on 2006-05-07 15:33:42
What is the song that plays during the credits option on the first dvd of Gundam Seed Destiny? Sorry if the question is a little confusing. :)

*ALSO*: Im talking about the English version of G.S.D.

opps. my signature was too big. D:

Re: G.S.D credits song
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-07 16:44:06
man...i didn't watch English version...
if you can give more information bout it then i can help, since i know all GSD songs^^
like is male or female, the singer? is the song fast or slow?


Re: G.S.D credits song
Link | by on 2006-05-07 20:32:08
its slow. But, its not the credits after the actual show, its an option on the dvd. And it sounds like a girl humming.

opps. my signature was too big. D:

Re: G.S.D credits song
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-08 16:00:22 (edited 2006-05-08 16:00:34)'s bit hard to tell....if you can get any sample of the song...
is it just music with girl humming? or is a song?


Re: G.S.D credits song
Link | by on 2006-05-08 20:40:17
Well, its only a girl humming (from what I had heard) and there is backround music while she is humming.

I have to go, so Ill try to find a sample tmw. :)

opps. my signature was too big. D:

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