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David Blaine
Link | by miss kris on 2006-05-08 21:05:25
how many of you know about him? i think this dude is freakin' crazy, but i love him! >_<

what do you think about his stunts and magic tricks? is he for real? how the hell does he do the stuff that he does? can anyone explain it?

Re: David Blaine
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-08 21:10:45
i dont know for sure , but watching him is pretty intersting sometimes....

Re: David Blaine
Link | by flamegod on 2006-05-08 21:12:18
Yeah he is freaking amazing!!!!

But i dont know ya know...A magician never ever show his secrets

Re: David Blaine
Link | by SwordBreaker on 2006-05-08 21:29:35
The most interesting part is he can float in mid the hell he do that? With the help of ghost?

Re: David Blaine
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-05-08 22:40:41 (edited 2006-05-08 22:41:44)
I actually know how he does the levitation trick. :P

Actually, I'm keenly aware of how he does most of his tricks... though I haven't seen him in quite a while, so I don't remember them all.

The levitation one, however, I do remember.

There was a show on T.V. revealing many famous tricks and how they are performed.

Re: David Blaine
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-09 00:47:16
i remember once he froze himself in ice........

..that was cool (bad pun)

Re: David Blaine
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2006-05-09 03:16:53
i like to watch him float....and like to watch him magiccaly get a ham's head away from its body yet still to watch him do freaky stuff..
i wish i could learn some of his trick............

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Re: David Blaine
Link | by avextrax on 2006-05-09 04:15:04
David Blaine - IMO revitalize magic... ever since I've watch "The Secret of Magic Finally Revealed" in Expose I've started to lost interest in Magic... But after I’ve watch David performed his tricks, Darn… I’ve started to be interested in Magic again.. He taken Magic into streets and so that many people can enjoy it…

I particularly like Frozen in time… He really amazed me here…

Now, his latest performance is under water for one week… I’m just wondering can he do it this time…

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Re: David Blaine
Link | by Kioko Uratsuma on 2006-05-09 04:42:36
I love his magic tricks.... Sometimes he is crazy for doing something tricks. But I really love it.

David Blaine failed his underwater trick....

I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul

Re: David Blaine
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2006-05-09 06:05:19
ou really? how come???

sry.. cuz i din watch that, would u mind tell out some details?

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Re: David Blaine
Link | by sai on 2006-05-09 07:21:12 (edited 2006-05-09 07:21:36)
Yeah he's one cool magician... And since it's street magic he can't possibly prepare any device like you would on stage. I find that really cool...

He failed his trick? Tell me... sometimes his tricks are just dangerous...

Re: David Blaine
Link | by samsone on 2006-05-09 20:28:26 (edited 2006-05-09 20:29:27)
yeah heard of him!!! but i remember david copperfield more! hah

ps: david blaine is non-other than a normal human being too~ its normal tt he fails sumtimes!!

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Re: David Blaine
Link | by miss kris on 2006-05-09 20:34:29
yeah, he failed his underwater trick yesterday. it was to stay underwater for a week, then hold his breath for 9 minutes and escape from the chains. he only held his breath for a little over 7 minutes. still, very impressive. and very dangerous! his kidney or some other organ, not sure, was damaged in the process. :(

Re: David Blaine
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-09 20:38:01
thats too bad, i hope he recover completely....

Re: David Blaine
Link | by on 2006-05-09 20:44:47
Yeah, heard it in the news yesteday he failed to complete his trick for minutes. It's kinda disappointing but OMG, he's still amazing!

Hope he recover soon, get over his failure and do it again to show the people he can really do that.

Re: David Blaine
Link | by samsone on 2006-05-09 21:10:29 (edited 2006-05-09 21:23:13)
impressive!! not many ppl can do tt!! he's amazing!! i know he can do it! i think he'll give a 1nd try for sure after he recovers!!

lets cheer for him!! ♣ YEAH ♣

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Re: David Blaine
Link | by avextrax on 2006-05-09 21:45:49
I'm not really dissapointed since he already put himself to the limit several time like in Frozen in time and Vertigo... he performs so many tricks and stunts that most people can't do... and after days underwater he hold his breath for 7 mins (I could only hold my breath underwater for less than 2 mins).. that really amazing... don't you think so?

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Re: David Blaine
Link | by sai on 2006-05-10 01:12:52
Wait wait, so the original plan was to stay underwater FOR A WEEK?? Fish...

Re: David Blaine
Link | by on 2006-05-10 01:27:17
Yeah,, I heard the news that he failed his underwater trick...
but yeah, like miss kris said, still very amazing...

when he recovered, maybe he'll try again...and maybe actually do it! :D
yay! for david blane

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