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i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by Rumiko on 2005-02-16 22:05:44
all the characters are gibberish suddenly. It's like a mass of chinese characters now, no hiragana. I changed my encoding settings and everything. is this just happening to me?

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by gendou on 2005-02-16 22:33:42
the version of mysql that my new host is using does not support the text encoding I was using before. I will probably be able to convert the entries, but it may take a while for me to get to it.

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by gendou on 2005-02-16 22:34:43 (edited 2005-02-17 18:09:42)
The forum (and my entire site) is now in UTF-8 which means no more text encoding woes. UTFならいいと思う。

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by Rumiko on 2005-02-17 20:41:31
yes i can read it. thanks Gendou sama, keep up the good work. i can practice my reading again.

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by MK on 2005-02-20 05:23:40
Hmmm no idea... But is your computer's East Asian languages and all that enabled??


Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by RubyMoon on 2005-02-24 01:39:41
Hy, I wander if you can read the word below.

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by Neon Gen Eva on 2005-02-24 15:07:22
At least you people see the characters, i see only boxes... maybe they came out with an update for the text viewing for my comp...

What are you, Stupid?

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by RubyMoon on 2005-02-24 22:54:50
Well, now i can read all japanese characters properly.
Thanks Gendou!

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by #Reia# on 2005-02-26 19:55:52
i can read the japanese character now! thanx a lot Gendou san to upgrade this site!

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by RubyMoon on 2005-02-28 02:28:43
i'm glad that you can read now!

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by Thorn on 2005-03-15 17:29:35
私はまだ漢字の悩みを有する -_- Some are corrupt


Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by #Reia# on 2005-03-16 04:05:13 (edited 2005-03-16 04:06:46)
hello! nice to meet you! Are you have a some difficulty in japanese character? if you have a problem it is ok that you gonna ask me! I'm happy if i can help you in your problem regarding this! I wish that you will be my friend!

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by Rokit on 2005-04-02 16:17:42
how do i type in japanese? はまだ漢字の悩みを有する - like this, i just copy/paste this really, but how do i type it up? I heard of a translit but all of them aren't free...

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by Shippo91234 on 2005-04-12 10:00:41
Do you mean...Something like this?:

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by Ergzay on 2005-04-29 22:10:34
If you have a mac everything is all built in ready for use. Mac OS X by default installs japanese fonts. To type in japanese go into system prefrences, Click on International, Select Input Menu, and turn on any of the languages below Kotoeri. For ease of use, click the "Show input menu in menu bar" checkbox so that you can have quick easy access to it. Now, open a text document or any place you want to type and select from the menu hiragana, katakana, or whatever you want to use. Now you just type out the romaji of japanese and it will auto transliterate it into hiragana or katakana, whichever you selected. Make sure to press enter afterwards to end the word before going back to english. To transliterate into kanji you first type the word in katakana or hiragana and then press the space bar. It will then auto transliterate it into the kanji it thinks you want by the context of the word. To select additional kanjis of the hiragana you type just press down error to pop open a menu and you can just scroll down it until you find what you want. Sorry if I rambled too long.

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by unknown-man on 2005-04-29 22:20:38
Is that for mac(only)?

Re: i can't view the japanese characters anymore
Link | by Ergzay on 2005-04-29 23:43:47
The description I just gave is how to do it on the mac. I have used windows somewhat (built my own machine and such and installed windows 98 by only using up upgrades, dos-->win3.1-->win95-->win98) and got so fed up with windows bugs I stopped using it completely and installed linux on it. I usually use a mac anyway.
I'm not sure how to do it on windows, but there should be in language settings somewhere an option to turn on other charsets for other languages.

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