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japanese learning program
Link | by NekoConeco on 2006-05-14 15:34:55
anybody know a good software or audio cd program to use to learn japanese?

Re: japanese learning program
Link | by sameru on 2006-05-17 23:47:04
instant immersion japanese is a good start; it will teach basic items and phrases for travel such as "call a doctor" "no-smoking section please" "where is the bank" and "women's / men's bathrooms"

also there is an old book publish by gakken in the 80s called "japanese for today" that is a superb learning experience. it is written in english, romaji, and kana. you may search for this on ebay and amazon for used and discount prices because it is no longer in publication.

you can also look in your local library for foreign language books.

a good way to practice listening and pronunciation is by watching animation in its original audio, and if you prefer slower though not as accurate as music is artistic expression, japanese language music is good choice as well.

ill be the stars if youll be the sky.

Re: japanese learning program
Link | by Party Hard on 2006-05-18 00:15:48
I guess I got a head start. I always prefer watching animé in Japanese with English subtitles. I did get a 9 CD set from the mobile library that comes round my housing estate every weekend but I gave up after 2 lessons. I might rent it out again and rip all the lessons onto my computer. I should have done that before -_-

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