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Ideal Job
Link | by D Grave on 2006-05-14 22:18:46 (edited 2006-05-14 23:38:08)
This thread was made for a purpose to find out what do you want to do as a job for the rest of your life.This is to find out what some members have in commen and what interset we share.I for example want to become a corprete Lawyer.I wanted to be a lawyer since I was 10.I have taken alot of law classes in high school and spent alot of time studing to be a lawyer.I hear the pay is 500 dollars an hour and my Uncle is a partner at a law firm and he loves his job.Besides the fact you can use the law to munipulate anyone for your own personal gain is perfect for me.

All Alone in this so call World

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-05-14 22:40:18
hahaha... you want to be a lawyer so you can 'manipulate' people... I think you should be a police, much more effective... especially in my country (I think)...

anywho... I want to be a doctor... so I can help people... although I don't want to be in pediatrics because many people are into that now... BUT I still have my doubts if I should be a doctor or not... and I should make my decision fast... I'm already in my 3rd year in highschool... ^^ my sister is in her 4th year... and she hasn't decided on what course to take yet... I don't want to be like her, I want to get ready

Do you have any other options? beside being a doctor?

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by on 2006-05-14 22:53:57
I want to be a veterinarian. I have a knack about animals since i was little.

@Lady Maia
Being a doctor is tough, but it also has its perks. I hope you can make it!

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by loki_coven on 2006-05-14 23:19:02
I want to become a lawyer ever since i was 5 ! My dad's one and so are two of his siblings and they were like the ones who told me that being a lawyer is great . and if i can't be a lawyer then i'll just have to stick to becoming the world's ultimate ruler . ERI !!!!!!!!!!

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by craving for moar on 2006-05-14 23:30:31
My parents insist that I should become a doctor. I don't want to be a doctor, much more a surgeon. I might kill my patients accidentally. I think the ideal job for me is to become a writer, since I like to use my imagination a lot, though I've never written a novel. hehehe...

What if I jump out
of this speeding jeepney?
Fly without wings
Reach for the grey-painted heaven
And out into the sea of infinity?

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by on 2006-05-15 00:27:31 (edited 2006-05-15 00:28:20)
wow. being a writer is also my ideal job. I am currently taking up accountancy. I hope I can survive this course (curse). hehe

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-15 01:30:16
im currently trying to be a writer now....

......i dont know what my dream job is though....

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-05-15 07:14:52
Well, I'm going to be an English teacher. Yet, my ideal job... writing either novels (fantasy or something remotely fun) or for videogames (mainly rpgs). Will I accomplish both in my lifetime while teaching as my main career. Doubt it... but I can always write in my spare time so who knows?

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-05-15 08:07:02 (edited 2006-05-18 06:43:46)
My dream job is to work with my dream girl.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-05-15 08:22:17
I want to be a writer and a designer of video games. I've wanted to do that for quite a while, and I already set up a little group to design an RPG... though we put that on backburner for a little while to build a webcomic to help lay a firmer foundation for the more complex game.

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-15 13:41:49
I want to become a Cartoonist, and to become great in that, you need to get used to animation/animating. It takes a LONG TIME because you have to practice your style over and over again until you get what you really want then it takes longer to find a color crew, 'other' animation crew, voice over crew, etc...


Re: Ideal Job
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2006-05-16 03:34:56
my dream job is to get my dream job and have my dream life ..........
i wish my job is to deal with a psycho who has schyzophrania....

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by baikuza on 2006-05-16 05:11:12
I would like to said that there is another job that, for me,is cool.

it is related to human, also..
XD it is a biologist.
biochemistry scientist

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by on 2006-05-16 05:38:58 (edited 2006-05-16 05:40:18)
My dream is to become a photographer of a swimsuit company for girls o_O *drools for about 12 hours*...Ohh man....Hehehe Just joking..Thats not my dream..I wanna become a Military Pilot.I wanna fly the B-2 Bomber or the Harrier

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-16 06:14:58 (edited 2006-05-16 06:15:18)
i wanted very much to go to bio/medical field..
so mayb biochem engeneering or doctor/pharmacist for me!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic staying in your arms means more than anything <3

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by on 2006-05-16 07:09:00 (edited 2006-05-16 07:10:20)
at the moment, an ideal job fomr me this summer (sorta like "summer job") is to work on an anime store.
I'd be able to check the latest releases, chat with other anime otakus and be paid for doing something i love.
That's what IDEAL is for me right now. Eheh, that wud be fun, dont ya think?

as for the rest of my life, im in college now taking up Accountancy, so i guess i have to be an accountant in the near future.

Re: Ideal Job
Link | by D Grave on 2006-05-22 21:35:29 (edited 2006-05-22 21:35:53)
The funny thing about me being a lawyer is I have already published a book. I find writing as an escape from my problems I guess the reason Why I want to become a lawyer is it is particle. I find the law interesting and shows how the world works. But there is no reason why I can not do both, because the only thing that is important is my happiness. I refuse to do a job that my will make me miserable and bitter latter in my life.

All Alone in this so call World

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