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need some dvd help
Link | by minku on 2005-02-18 16:44:58
hello, first time posting here ^^ yoroshiku
anyways, i was wondering if anyone knew if there are any official dvd box sets for prince pf tennis, and if there are any, how much is it (preferably in yen)? all i can find are single dvds or bootlegged box sets. thanks in advance!

visit my lyrics page!-->minku no kobeya

Re: need some dvd help
Link | by red_blade_liger on 2005-02-18 23:41:45
It's my first time posting here too. Anyway, I found some box sets here. Not very many, but some.

Re: need some dvd help
Link | by The Masked Lemon on 2005-02-20 13:32:22 (edited 2005-02-20 13:43:39)
Actually, basically no matter what, would be the best choice. Not even Ebay has them so cheap. Just put in a anime, and most likely the DVDs and a boxset will come up if there is one. Then look at where it says "(number) used for" and then it says a price. 80% of the boxsets on there for anime are seriously 20-35 dollars. The ones that are 160 dollars normally, are still that little. Its amazing. But sorry, they actually don't have Prince of Tennis though. For that, go to, then click on "Froogle" and type it in.

Re: need some dvd help
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-02-20 15:38:50
Box sets are no where near that cheap on amazon. Most of the used ones are in fact illegal copies.

Re: need some dvd help
Link | by minku on 2005-02-22 13:56:54
well, i guess i should try wait til the series to end, and see if they're release a huge box set in japan... sucks that i can only find hk versions... :(

visit my lyrics page!-->minku no kobeya

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