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Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by on 2006-05-17 23:05:29
I'd like to have Plue from rave...Nyahaha..cute little bugger..what pet(from anime) would you like to own if you'd have the chance?

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by on 2006-05-17 23:13:28
Plue,Haro,Tori(Or birdy in Gundam Seed),many many more..heheh

There is no coincidence in the world. There is only the inevitable

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by sameru on 2006-05-17 23:14:04
soubi from loveless.

ill be the stars if youll be the sky.

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by on 2006-05-17 23:22:45
Umm..Does Primula(Shuffle!) count as a pet?Heheheh...

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by sameru on 2006-05-17 23:26:46
i simply assumed that any animated character can be a pet if we so choose.. haha.

soubi is pretty much like beaten dog, anyway.

ill be the stars if youll be the sky.

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by koyatogashi on 2006-05-18 05:34:54
I like with fr dn angel 2 b my pet,it so cute!!

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by on 2006-05-18 11:34:52
i like mokona from tsubasa chronicles and Mkr coz he so cute and soft....

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by Suono on 2006-05-18 14:49:07
Mewtwo, sure Pokemon is still stupid, but having a monster that can destroy the world would be pretty sweet

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Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by Minty Puchiko on 2006-05-18 17:19:10
Awww, I would want a Ryo-Ohki (Tenchi Muyo) , most definetly. -^__^-

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Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by Minty Puchiko on 2006-05-18 17:20:34
Wait! Can I change mine to a bottle fairy? -heart- :3

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Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by railgun on 2006-05-18 17:21:56
Pen-Pen from Evangelion is cool.
I'm sure it would be an interesting pet.
Also maybe Zeek or Shadow from Zoids Chaotic Century.
Who wouldn't want a mechanized lizard/dragon for a pet?

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by on 2006-05-20 08:21:47
Whoa...Maybe having a destructive pet aint so bad...Does a GUNDAM count as a pet?heheh..WAIT!How about The Ultimate Blue eyes or the 3 God cards from Yu-Gi-OH as a pet!?!?!imagine..taking the Obelisk for a walk...o_O"

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-05-20 08:26:31
i'd like have Mokona as my pet. he3. wizz from DN Angel is perfect too. and camomile arbel from Mahou Sensei Negima.

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Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by on 2006-05-20 08:40:23

gamatasu and gamakichi are so cute ^_^ they can talk too o_O. Wish I could also have Pakkun, Tonton, Kirara, Black Hayate, Pero-pero, Pokemons etc... as pets

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket on 2006-05-20 08:54:24
Pen-Pen from Evangelion would be an awesome pet! ^^ Kirara [Inuyasha] would be cool, too.

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-20 09:33:57
er...Kerobero, he's awesome, I can ride with him and fly with him around the world in 80 1/2 days.

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by yumeless on 2006-05-20 10:41:23 (edited 2006-05-20 10:42:20)
I hadn't thought of it until I read sameru's comment, but Soubi (from Loveless) would make an interesting pet. Though I think Ritsuka (Loveless) looks more...cuddly. He's a kitty! Kind of. I'd keep Ritsuka as my pet!

Or Shippou (InuYasha). He's a fox!

"Nothing's perfect, the world's not perfect, but it's there for us, doing the best it can. That's what makes it so damn beautiful." -Roy Mustang, FMA

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by Kitten on 2006-05-20 13:06:29
Though it's not a pet, I want the baby from Spirited Away. I'd love to have the baby!
Shippo! I want Shippo as my pet! XD

Behind Blue Eyes

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by EmAn on 2006-05-20 15:53:46
hehe.. ken! youre right.. imagine kaiba taking a walk with obelisk.. hahaha!!! its funny how it looks.. ^__^ if you ask me i'd like to have a pet which is toon Blue eyes white dragon.. ^__^

"It MaKes SenSE ThAt YoU TrY HaRd foR THe SaKe oF tHE PeRSoN YOu LoVE.."

Re: Anime pet you'd like to have.
Link | by on 2006-05-20 17:49:07
Though not really a pet, he acts like a pet.
I want a Soubi. Ritsuka would be nice also (here Kitty...)

Can Tsuzuki(Yami no Matsuei) be a pet. he turns into a doggy when there is food ^-^.


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