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What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by cowboybebop84 on 2005-02-21 14:07:11
definently any girly t.v. show game,like, "lizzie mcguire" and "that's so raven"..Uhhh.....bbububuttt I neverrr pllayed themmemmmm.....

Do you like horny bunnies?

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by Johnny Ridden on 2005-02-21 15:34:29
Without a doubt, I'd have to say Big Rigs:Over The Road Racing. I heard all the rumors, bought it one day, and found that there are no words to describe the quality in that game. I think I could make a better game than that.

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-02-21 16:40:04
I heard AQUAMAN sucked.


Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by Seph on 2005-02-22 09:38:38
aquaman, monster garage and drake of the 99 dragons are my choices for worst games

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by Karudo on 2005-02-25 08:50:57
BIG RIGS OVER THE ROAD RACING and SURVIVOR THE INTERACTIVE GAME is what I think is the worst game evah! on the pc.

If you want to find out more about these games check for big rigs and for survivor (the review has a funny mini-game which has more gameplay value than the survivor: the interactive game itself!)

I thought what I'd do was, I pretend one of those deaf mutes.

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by RKO on 2005-02-27 11:46:44
I still have to go with Superman 64, since it had crappy gameplay, crappy graphics, AND tons of hype.

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by Seph on 2005-02-28 09:12:52
cant belioeve i forgot about superman 64, the massive suck coming from that game is hrd to forget. Also one i forgot to mention, the "legend of zelda wand of gamalon" or something like that. That was a BAD game

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by inuyasha_girlxd on 2005-03-01 17:55:35
Worst Games I Have Ever Playd Are The First Dirney Games That Came Out For The Ps1....*ugh* Good Thing KH Wasn`t Bad.

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by polaralex on 2005-03-09 06:30:00
Anything for GameBoyColor and Advance that uses SAVE CODES!!!!! See Disney Games............

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by on 2005-03-11 13:57:03
seems like most game based off movies suck.. the matrix game was awful and the "hacking" option was nowhere near as cool as it sounded >_<

"and i wonder..
when i sing along with you
if everything could ever feel this real forever..
if anything could ever be this good again
the only thing i'll ever ask of you..
you've gotta promise not to stop when i say when..
she sang"

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-11 16:08:50
I agree, about 75% of all movie games suck, but that's just my opinion.


Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by Zarius on 2005-03-13 16:39:40
Seed on PS2, that game is like watching grass grow. no, more like watching astroturf grow. It is the most boring game, ever, You could make a better game by randomly typing crap into Visual Basic, and thats taking into account that all you would get is an error message.

"I used to complain about having no shoes. Then I met a man with no feet. I asked him if he had any spare shoes.

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by on 2005-03-30 20:36:55
probably beyond the beyond (on psx)


Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by Zelkiiro on 2005-03-31 08:56:41
I am fortunate to not have played many crappy games. The worst that comes to mind is Final Fantasy X-2...

"Now, now, kids, Daddy loves ya, but Daddy also loves Star Trek, and in all fairness, Star Trek was here first." - Peter (Family Guy)

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by Jesth on 2005-04-06 13:58:41 (edited 2005-04-06 14:01:55)
I too, am fortunate not to have played too many crappy games, but the worst that comes to life is the never-ending games, like Bug's Life, or Jeopardy
Having fun?

You know, an old man once told me there was no such thing as miracles. If that's true, where did Final Fantasy come from?

Re: What's the worst videogame ever?
Link | by miko on 2005-06-24 09:21:09
alot from the Disney franchise is really bad (hence A Bug's Life which is just one of them)...Tha Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring was bad (thank goodness EA took over)


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