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NGE Platinum Release date?
Link | by Neon Gen Eva on 2005-02-24 15:10:34
Anyone know when The box set of NGE Remastered Platinum Edition will be released?

What are you, Stupid?

Re: NGE Platinum Release date?
Link | by Neon Gen Eva on 2005-02-25 14:42:35
I know, but when will they all be released is my question. If that's not how I said it, sorry that's what I meant to say...

What are you, Stupid?

Re: NGE Platinum Release date?
Link | by glacier_alchemy on 2005-02-26 23:43:12
I believed they released the Platinum Edition Boxset of Evangelion quite some time ago, but only like 600 were made. Now they're selling Platinum Edition dvd's separate.

Re: NGE Platinum Release date?
Link | by Khal on 2005-02-28 15:24:35
Sounds to me like everyone is confused about what he is asking. If its individual release dates for each DVD I can tell you right now that the first 5 are already out. If you want to check the dates for the rest you'd probably be good looking on Right Stuf's shopping online. They have stuff listed for preorder way ahead of time and the date available listed as well, kinda handy! ^_^

"Acts of men are better than acts of God." - Misato Katsuragi

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