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Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by on 2006-06-11 20:49:14
hmm...i really hope that i'm not repeating another thread...
*sigh* oh well...anywayz...wuts the cutest anime you've ever seen??
mine would have to be...hamtaro!! ^.^ i don't watch it a lot...but it's sooo kawaii!! XD...i guess Digi Charat is cute too....but never watched can't say :P

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by changbrucelee on 2006-06-11 21:48:59
cutest anime would definately be elfen lied

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by on 2006-06-11 21:51:52
o.O...elfen lied?? cute? offense...but....that anime is sooo freaky...soo much blood and killing and stuff...lolz

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-06-11 22:31:52
Come on, once you get past all of the gruesome violence and gore, Elfen Lied is a pretty cute show...o.O

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by on 2006-06-11 22:36:33
well....maybe you're right...cuz i've only seen one part of that show and it was the part where the girl in the wheelchair was torturing this other she was controlling her body so that she would fly up and then crash into the ground...o.O...*shudders*'s giving me goosebumps just thinking about it

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-06-12 00:13:58
Ha ha ha... no.

This thread has seemingly already been corrupted by Elfen Lied fans.

Ok back to the orignal question at hand.

Oh cute anime you say? Ok...

Pita-Ten, Mahou Shoujo Neko Taruto, or Card Captor Sakura.

Those come off the top of my head for right now.

Digi Charat only seems cute, really she is an evil tyrant bent on world domination.

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Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-06-12 02:07:35
i think it is Chobits and Pita-Ten^_^

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by katsu on 2006-06-12 03:31:55
cute? let's see...

pokemon? hehe. not becaouse of the story, but because of, yeah... the pokemons! pikachu is so cute! and there are other cute pokemons, too. even the dragon types are cute in my opinion. hahaha! and don't forget snorlax! the one you have to wake using a poke flute!! ^__^ uhm... hehe XDD sorry, it's just that I really feel young when I watch that show. ^___^

*hops off singing the jigglypuff song*

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by Terror on 2006-06-12 07:22:13 (edited 2006-06-12 07:22:53)
unfortunatly, I must somewhat agree with katsu ^^^ :|

But, I say Galaxy Angel with Mint and Milfeulle. :)

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by ricci on 2006-06-12 08:39:30
When we say cute, it means that it must be put on a stuff toy and hug it if its ok. The good ones are Doraemon, Pokemon, and maybe...Akazukin Cha-Cha :-)

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by hotarumyst on 2006-06-12 09:14:12
Cutest? Di Gi Charat, Galaxy Angel, and yeah, Pokemon is cute. :)

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by yumeless on 2006-06-12 13:49:34
I clicked on this thread and then realized...I don't watch cute anime...

Well, I guess I'll have to go with Pokemon (yes, Pikachu, of course...) and Hamtaro (talking hamsters! kawaii!!!)

"Nothing's perfect, the world's not perfect, but it's there for us, doing the best it can. That's what makes it so damn beautiful." -Roy Mustang, FMA

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by Sam on 2006-06-12 13:55:12
maybe Cardcaptor Sakura or AIR...either one..


Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by Riff on 2006-06-12 16:08:49
Azumanga Daioh. Am I the only one who finds Chiyo-Chan cute in her own supersmart way? And how she made that other girl cry in the first episode. X3
And Osaka. Totally spaced out. Fwee!

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by on 2006-06-12 16:12:06
Hamtaro, definitely, and Pokemon! Pikachu is kawaii. ^_^

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Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by Chubster on 2006-06-12 17:22:56
I would say...Pita Ten, Galaxy Angel, Azumanga Daioh, Di Gi Charat, Aishiteruze Baby, Sister Princess...and of course some characters in other animes such as Konoka - Mahou Sensei Negima, Aoi - Ai Yori Aoshi, Kisa & Tohru - Fruits Basket, Mitsuki - Full Moon Wo Sagashite...and so forth...hehehe...there are soooo many...

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-06-12 18:09:27
Cute? When cute comes to mind, it has to be


Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by sai on 2006-06-12 18:57:32
Ichigo Mashimaro... Hell this anime might be made for lolicons... So the character design is cute...

School Rumble is somehow cute... And what's that anime with psyduck and snorlax in it? Yeah Pokemon it is... :D

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by SkyAlchemist on 2006-06-12 19:01:43
Cute anime=Pita Ten

(Just look at Koboshi)

Re: Cutest anime you've ever seen! ^.^
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-06-12 19:34:36
Hmmm? I got the feeling that cute=lolicon stuff. Na wake nai desho?

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