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"Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-06-12 18:37:44
Anyone know of a good anime with this genre?

I called it "daily life" genre, because it is daily life. I mean, there won't be vampires wandering sucking blood, a group of bishoujo combining into harem for this one idiotic main character, or super robo that can transform or gattai (unite). It's about how a character spends each day in their own way.

A story about how a simple life can be beautiful

Take for instance,
  • Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar (Chicchana Yuki Tsukai Sugar)
  • Haibane Renmei (Charcoal Feathers at Old Home)
  • Aria the Animation

Most people might fall asleep watching them, but I think they're wonderful. As I said before, a simple life can be beautiful. What do you think guys?

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-12 18:40:26
azumanga daioh is a pretty good anime about ordinary high school girls

its hilarious

tiny snow fairy sugar?...i dont think fairies are that ordinary in life

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by Cinnamon Sakura on 2006-06-12 18:41:13 (edited 2006-06-12 18:46:21)
Would Azumanga Daioh count as a 'daily life' type'a thing? How'a bout AIR? OMFG, To Heart. Lovely! Eh, but yeah, I love each of the anime series you've listed. :3

Edit: Can I add something? Would Haibane Renmei really be considered, uh, what's the word, a slice of life/'real life' thingy? But then I guess all anime have to have something of a plot twist.

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-06-12 19:03:06

  1. Honey and Clover

  2. Binchou-tan

  3. Nana

  4. Aishiteruze Baby

  5. ARIA the Animation

  6. ARIA the Natural

that's all i could think of,for now

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Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-06-12 19:25:45
Umm... yeah, fairies aren't that ordinary in life, and afterlife isn't either. But I guess the bottom line is that the main plot of the show is the main character's daily life. How a simple thing occured can be quite an adventure. So, in other words : simplicity and beauty. Hell, I don't really know what I'm writing here. But hey, you got the essence, right? Oh, added one more title : Chibi Maruko-chan.

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by on 2006-06-12 20:48:37
Happy Lesson! :)

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Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by lea-chan on 2006-06-14 01:18:21
How about School Rumble? I think it can be included as 'daily life' thing... and so funny too... ^_^

Dogs are cute!

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by sai on 2006-06-14 10:53:57
Maybe midori no hibi? Well, there's this abnormal part of course, the hand thing... But other than that, it's completely daily life, and is beautiful too...

And... Ichigo Mashimaro, yeah this is daily life for sure...

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by imppy on 2006-06-16 08:14:07
Midori no hibi, I guess, also Daa!Daa!Daa! despite their whereabouts and wtfabouts, but regarding on most of the episodes.

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by sai on 2006-06-16 08:51:06
I my me! Strawberry Eggs... This one's kinda stupid... But fun^^

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by on 2006-06-16 09:24:54
Maybe Full Metal Panic Fomoffu

I think it goes into daily life besides all of Sagura's Traps and what not.

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by muimui on 2006-06-16 11:52:37
My number 1 pick is Aishiteruze Baby. VERY realistic. Also, Ichigo Mashimaro, Peach Girl, Azumanga Daioh, and Nana are more daily life anime.

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by Ringo on 2006-06-16 14:07:52
Well, I'm not sure if you'd consider it "daily life" or not, but Fruits Basket is just about the closet thing to normal that I've watched. Sure, the family is under an sncient curse tha turns them into animls when huged by the opposite gender, but that kinda fades out of the story after like episode 6.

"Confucious say: SHUT UP!"--Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Re: "Daily Life" genre anime
Link | by cody on 2006-06-16 16:39:00
School Rumble sort of does a good job. So does Fruits Basket... which is really good. Azumanga is amazing.

"It's much harder dealing with real people..."~Roy Mustang

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