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did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by cruger2984 on 2006-06-17 20:00:29 (edited 2006-06-18 20:01:42)
hey guys,i watched Ikki Tousen on Hero TV Philippines since every saturday.It's rated is MA(Mature Audiences).put ur comments here in this place!

Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by imppy on 2006-06-17 22:22:34
Yeah, I like this anime, school is considered a battle field in there XD Reminds me of Rival Schools.

Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-18 01:22:25
@cruger2984- PG?!?!?! WTF?!?! ikkitousen is NOT PG!

it had WAY TOO many panty shots....

the fighting was okay i least the story was okay

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-06-18 03:19:57
yeah it is an awesome anime^^

Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by Ranritsu4 on 2006-07-25 15:24:01
i had watched some on dvd i think only volume 1 and 2. and then watched on youtube but now it's gone and i was pretty pissed of and i still want to see every ep.

Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by cliff on 2006-07-26 01:03:17
I've watched the series and I'm suprised they even showed it.

Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by quamp on 2006-07-28 18:33:34
He might be watching a censored version. If I remember correctly, episode 9 or so had some nudity in it (They went to a mineral bath in the mountains.)
Overall, it can be best thought of as taking Excel Excel from Excel Saga and throwing her into Tenjou Tenge (even though the anime predates Tenjou Tenge.)

The opening theme song, "Drivin' Through the Night" by Move is one of those songs that you'll immediately like or absolutely hate. I liked it and downloaded it.

I found the plotline to be a bit convoluted at times, and had several holes in it (why did Shimei wear an eyepatch if she didn't need to?) Overall, I'd say it's worth renting or watching on TV, but not worth buying.

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Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-28 20:08:04
A new category on Comcast opened up called Ikki Tousen. I guess it's comming to Comcast. Hoo-Rah!! XD

I saw the preview of this a while back (also on Comcast). Violant and sexual. XD


Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-07-29 06:20:27
Ahhhh the Panty shots were the best XD

Re: did anyone saw Ikki Tousen?
Link | by Farez on 2006-07-29 21:29:28 (edited 2006-11-12 10:40:20)
Seen a couple episodes of the show. Crazy fighting scenes. I still dont get the part where all of the girls cloths get ripped of except her panties and a little bit covering her bust. Disapointing but still good. I got my episode downloads from
As all of you who are reading this have figured it, yes it is a torrent and i'm still trying to get the rest of the series down. too bad not that many people are seeding it. Sure is a shame. Anyway, thats where i got it from. With that peice of information given, I shall now go and watch some Mahou Sensei Negima. (boy magician in an all girls school and has to kiss a girl everytime he wants to get a burst of power) Till next time.

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