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MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-06-18 21:25:18 (edited 2006-06-18 21:26:10)
Anybody got Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Gregar or Falzer or any of the other series? I got them all and beat it. If you need so help, post away!!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLaharl, the Overlord of all. I rule Netherworld Restaurant as well. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingEtna Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFlonne

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Lulu on 2006-06-18 23:29:17
erm,i jz oni play until megaman battle network 4 and then

i stop...erm,cz "lazy" to play? but megaman battle network

really is a nice game,vry challenging for me,but i still can

finish it ^^v

dude.the thread for "game" is nt vry active. =.='''

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-18 23:52:52 (edited 2006-06-18 23:55:48)
I'm a big fan of the Megaman series (particularly MMX and MMZero) but I haven't even seen Battle Network yet. Can you tell me why it's so good? I'm all ears.

Oh and I'm just saying this to help you out: Be carful you don't double post, it's a rule - violating it can get you in trouble; I'd remove that second post if I were you Laharl!

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Lulu on 2006-06-19 00:05:11
erm,i tink it is nt a problem coz both of the post has different content?

i m nt quite sure... :P

erm,megaman battle network series is a GBA is challenging!!

u will like it after u try it :P lol

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-19 00:17:58
I didn't think you were allowed to double post period. Oh well I may be wrong. Is Battle network harder than the megaman zeros?

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Lulu on 2006-06-19 00:37:00 (edited 2006-06-19 05:15:08)
ow...megaman battle network is different wif megaman zero

erm,megaman zero is depend on ur "finger skill"

but megaman battle network is depend on ur intelligence

u need to think n solve a mission

for example,sometimes a npc will ask u to solve a problem for him

n he will giv u the clue,n u will solve the probz wif the help of

the clue he gav,but it is still vry hard n difficult!!

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-06-19 12:00:14
It's not just that, but you got to have some reaction skills as well. Like fighting against Bass BZ, the hardest boss in the Battle Network series.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLaharl, the Overlord of all. I rule Netherworld Restaurant as well. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingEtna Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFlonne

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Lulu on 2006-06-20 00:17:45
yea,u r rite~

the strategy vry improtant too

coz the mistake u made,even 1 can make u "GAME OVER"~

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by noobie on 2006-06-20 00:49:42
Same here. Even thought I've only played the first game, it's good! I just love the Knightsword Chip!

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-06-21 14:10:07
Than you'll like the second game because it has the KnightSword chip as well. There's a secret P.A. combo in the second game. It's:
Gospel X
AntiNavi X
Bass X

You can use "*" as well.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLaharl, the Overlord of all. I rule Netherworld Restaurant as well. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingEtna Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFlonne

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by RLvampire on 2006-06-21 21:59:56
Was a really unique series when it first came out, however its been abused like the pokemon games were, just not nearly as badly.

Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Kiseki on 2006-07-10 08:04:28
It's sad to say that this is the last installment of the battle netywork series.(From the games perspective) Gregar is wicked, the "Original" Gospel...well actually gospel is just a mere copy of gregar but meh, nice to fight several bosses in the game to keep u occupied: Protoman FZ, and Bass BX


Re: MegaMan Battle Network Series
Link | by Mars-kun,that's right I'm not dead on 2006-07-10 18:55:24
The battle network series is unique I liked 'em all. Each version had its own startagey to win.

In the original you have to use power ups and armor to beef megaman up asap

Not very far in the second one since I just found a copy.

The third had style/armor change where you would get certain abilities depending on what attacks you use.

four and six are basically the same thing you gain the powers of other allies to use

and five had a fire emblem/advanced wars mode where you and other navis moved and concured an area.

I liked 3 the best.

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