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Wolfs Rain
Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2004-04-27 16:53:06
I know this anime is pretty old but its just coming out in the Us and it was nice loved the story and its pretty funny too!
Feel free to express your opinions on wolfs rain in this thread

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by RUZ on 2004-04-27 23:42:08
i watched all 26 epd. i loved it too. great ending, i was expecting maybe one person to die but damn.

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by Will James on 2004-05-12 18:58:40
From what I have seen on it I think it looks interesting. Looks like something I might even consider buying on DVD when I get the chance.

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by StupiDSeeD on 2004-06-18 15:48:50
I heard episode 15,16,17,18 are all recaps episode... and wasn't there 4 OAV episodes (27,28,29,30?

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by Kami on 2004-06-23 17:03:30
its well made I think just the fact that its made by the guys that made cowboy bebop makes it a collectable their always brilliant.

Darkness is simply the absense of light

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by walt on 2004-07-01 19:15:17
i now have a new perspective on wolves ;^)

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by slik on 2004-08-29 07:33:20
I'm in the process of watching the series and I'm quite attached to it, I have to say. Great plot. Moves along nicely. I can't believe no one dies. I thought for sure Tsume or someone would end up sacrificing their lives for someone else. I guess it's all good that everyone makes it through all right. But anyways, I think its a very well constructed anime. Me like.

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by assassin345 on 2004-09-10 18:07:54
The show is excllent, it shows what determination and a dream can do. it is very interesting, the whole post- apocalyptic world, mythical beasts (as in wolves) I follow the show closely.

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by 恵 Serie 美 on 2005-03-12 18:14:26
Wolf's Rain is a really good anime and it is one of the very few thing that i know of that ever made me sad and cry. All the main characters came into the series with in the first two episodes and they all (or atleast most) died out in the very LAST two episodes so i thought it was extremely sad to have that happen in any kind of anime.

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-09-06 03:27:56
i love the opening song. 'stray' is cool. and i like toboe very much..

Image hosted by tsuzuki asato - yami no matsuei Image hosted by hitsugaiya toushiro - bleach Image hosted by allen - d dray man

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by Toujiru on 2005-09-07 12:11:28 (edited 2005-09-07 12:12:09)
I loved the whole supernatural background with the wolves in the storyline. The art was just breath-takingly beautiful, especially with Cheza and the moon-light sort of aura that surrounds around her, a lunar flower. I enjoyed watching it, and seeing each of the wolve's characters develop (and evolve) through their quest for paradise. The ending was sad and melodramatic, though I was sort of confused at what happens at the very end.

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by Rayndeon on 2005-09-07 20:05:41
I'm in the process of watching the series and I'm quite attached to it, I have to say. Great plot. Moves along nicely. I can't believe no one dies. I thought for sure Tsume or someone would end up sacrificing their lives for someone else. I guess it's all good that everyone makes it through all right. But anyways, I think its a very well constructed anime. Me like.

Posted by Slik

You must not have seen the OAVs then :P. They complete the series.


Everyone ends up dying.

Control the power, do not let it control you.

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by Shasti on 2006-04-03 00:42:14
But they get revived >.>

I'll be waiting here. So if you come here, you'll find me... I promise.


Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by Namae lliane on 2008-01-30 09:11:19
WOLF's Rain
Wolf's rain

Namae Tsukada

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by kyru_hikari on 2008-02-02 19:38:57
I love it but I hate the ending!!!


It's kinda like the ending of Death Note.
The main character(s)die!!

I never said I was Human so don't assume anything.

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by black_hell_butterfly on 2008-08-05 20:19:30
I like it, and want to read the manga.

It was cheezy how they killed everyone in the last episode, though.

Photobucket Yuki Sig

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by Kagome on 2008-08-26 11:40:15
I really like it but it was definitely sad and made me cry. Tsume is probabaly my favorite character and my two favorite songs are Gravity and Tell Me What The Rain Knows

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by on 2008-08-27 04:34:47
yay i loved the anime! seen it on animax x.x though
ive missed some episodes but not that much!

Re: Wolfs Rain
Link | by on 2008-08-28 17:41:03
I like it too! and the songs are awesome! "Stray" is in my mobile ringtone.. <3

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