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What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-07-14 13:10:51 (edited 2006-07-14 13:13:34)
When translated, doesn't Kenshin mean True Sword in English? What do the other names of anime characters mean in English?

Shishio Makoto?

I have some other ones, I'll try to find a good site on finding how to translate these in the mean time...

If you're wondering about other anime characters names, post them here and I or someone else can translate them.

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by 'Princess Neelam' on 2006-07-15 23:20:06

I am a proud member of the Hiranabegumi Clan!! Photobucket-Video and Image Hosting Mess with us and that will be the beginning of your DOOM!! Phear or frypan or you may get a whack on your head *whack*!!^.^

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-07-16 02:48:40
Akira --> Clear

I dunno if it's right. I checked it through

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Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by on 2006-07-16 03:23:47
Kenshin (剣心) actually means Sword Heart or Heart of Sword.
Himura (緋村) as far as I can tell means 'Non-village'. The 'hi' kanji used is basically obsolete other than in names.

Shishio Makoto (志々雄真実) Shishio means 'Male creature's amibitions' and Makoto, of course, means 'Truth'.

The kanji used can make a big difference on the meaning of a name.

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-07-16 14:28:23
You have to see the name in Kanji how they write it, coz there are some words with same pronounciation but different ways of writing in Kanji...

Sharon (小狼) - little wolf
Ranma (乱马) - by looking at the kanji it means a mess of horses...


Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by soukyo on 2006-07-26 05:46:05
茜(akane)means red, madder red.
for緋村(himura),the 緋 means scarlet, cardinal.

soukyo 蒼鏡

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-07-26 06:09:25
Milfeulle isnt japanese LOL
But if you right it in Hiragana it will sound jap but its not jap
If you mean Khagome not Kagome I dont know >.>

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by satuross, proud user on 2006-09-13 07:03:44 (edited 2006-09-13 07:04:00)
is it true that キラ·ヤマトmeas silent killer?


Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by Eiko on 2006-09-13 16:01:34
Ranma means violent horse

Millefeulle is a French cooking term for a dish with lots and lots of layers, usually a terrine style dish (something packed in a meatloaf pan).

Tetsuo is probably something to do with metal or steel.

Some names don't have meanings, they are just names.

And yes, the kanji makes a HUGE difference in meaning.
Furuhashi can be old bridge or old chopsticks without the kanji.

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by on 2006-10-06 08:42:26
hahaha, without kanji, we would have names like blacktip strawberry.

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by on 2006-10-31 19:30:52
how 'bout ayanami or rei??

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by 聖竜 on 2006-11-10 17:51:38
Rei can be zero.

Or 霊, soul.

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by on 2006-12-04 12:24:13
@tenryuu: Hmm,, yea maybe you're right.. rei=zero.. but is the pronounciation just the same between rei an Zero (re)?? sorry,, just want to know...

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by Sean  - 渚音 on 2006-12-04 13:03:38
(レイ) Rei in the anime or comic book don't have any kanji, so there is no meaning. Also its in Katakana, and not hiragana, so it may be assumed that it could possibly be a foreign name, like ray or something (but that's more masculine). Ayanami means Twill wave. There's also 冷(rei) which is cold, which could also be it, because of her cold emotionless attitude but there may not be too deep of a meaning, and we may be thinking too deeply into it.


Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by ying on 2006-12-05 10:26:45
how abt the yuri in god (?)save our king! ?

n morita in honey & clover ?


Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by on 2006-12-20 08:20:31
"God save our king" that the english name of Kyou Kara Maou? x_X

Anway, Yuri/Yuuri's name is explained in the series. Conrad suggested his name because he(Yuuri)'s born in July, and in German July is "juli" (sp?), pronounced somewhat like "yuu-li". Which in hiragana would be Yuri or yuuri.

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by **kAsEtSu**SnOwFaLl on 2007-01-12 23:30:24
How about Hotaru,Ruka,Tsubasa,Natsume?

Inrested in opening a forum? Me too!!~

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by rokuemon on 2007-01-13 14:16:12 (edited 2007-01-13 14:23:14)
Hotaru - firefly
Ruka - A Japanese girl's name, don't know what the real meaning is
Tsubasa - wing/wings
Natsume - A Japanese girl's name, it's a kind of tree called the Jujube tree ^^

Note Ruka & Natsume are typically girls names, but I see these characters are boys! Well its not unusual for boys to be given girls names and the other way round. A lot of japanese names are unisex anyway.

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by **kAsEtSu**SnOwFaLl on 2007-01-14 17:00:14
Lol! I can't believe they actually use girls names in as a boy character. Thx for helping me. You seem to know which anime i was talking about. How do you say rabbit in Jap?

Inrested in opening a forum? Me too!!~

Re: What do these Anime characters' names mean?
Link | by Eiko on 2007-01-14 18:26:19
Rabbit is usagi

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