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. hack ending???
Link | by FullMetal Alchemist Fan on 2005-03-05 20:08:35
I just got done reading the
.hack// Legend of the Twilight manga, there are only three "books"

The third book says at the end that .hack is over

Could anyone who read the manga tell me if this is true and if not what will the next "chapter" in .hack be called?

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Re: . hack ending???
Link | by yoshi on 2005-03-06 00:17:14
.hack//sign --> .hack//Liminality --> .hack// PS2 Game i tink about 4 parts --> .hack//dust

.hack//dust is the last .hack// episode.

you should know if u see .hack// anime

Re: . hack ending???
Link | by Blue on 2005-03-06 17:59:20
Did it say that it was the end of .hack? I don't remember reading that. Anywayz, there were other .hack products that were never released here such as some novelizations. Besides, I would prefer the manga over the anime.

Re: . hack ending???
Link | by Nepichii on 2005-03-08 12:40:10 (edited 2005-03-08 12:41:09)
actually i think you'll find it is
.hack//sign --> .hack//games --> .hack//liminality (is set 6 months after gams$ sign) --> .hack//legend of the twilight.
And yes, legend of the twilight braclet is the last part of .hack, unfortunatly. i wish they would keep going cause it is so great!

Re: . hack ending???
Link | by hideki_jill on 2005-03-08 19:18:36
the ending's sad.. not that sad.. did they die (shugo n' his sis)?? sad if they did.. is that the reason they were legend characters?? >>kite and black rose??<< ..because they did die?? or was it because they were the once who solved the mystery of the game??..

yeah i think i remember now why they were known characters.. teehee!! ^_^ never mind what i said..^_^


Re: . hack ending???
Link | by cowboybebop84 on 2005-03-09 19:41:06
yeah its too bad that that was the end of hack.

Do you like horny bunnies?

Re: . hack ending???
Link | by kamui_shidou on 2005-03-11 16:50:25
**.hack// mutation
<** PS 2 games and comes with one episode of .hack//liminality and a special cd called .hack//gift or sumthin like that.>

Sin can only be erased by blood.... intocaccible- Noir

Re: . hack ending???
Link | by hideki_jill on 2005-03-17 19:02:07
..i just watched the last ep.. they didn't die.. ^_^


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