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Is there any good boarding school in Japan?
Link | by 'Princess Neelam' on 2006-07-18 23:48:17
Anyone who lives in Japan,Went to japan or knows japan properly?If yes then can you tell me If there is any good boarding school there?If it takes Junior High Students?If it has mordern facilities?What kind of subjects are there?How do we get admission?If we have to show our old school records?How are the rooms?What is the fees?etc.,etc. Because I have to go abroad to study and don,t know which school to go to!!!

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Re: Is there any good boarding school in Japan?
Link | by demonpunk on 2006-07-22 00:15:16
Unfortunately I've never heard of Japanese boarding schools. Although, if your looking for International schools (schools in Japan that teach in English) you can try searching for the following names:

ASIJ (American school in Japan)
Saint Mary's (a catholic school)
CAJ; Catholic American schools in Japan (yet another catholic school)

those are the only one's I remember since I know a couple of my friends go there. There's a catch though....the average yearly tuition to each of those schools is about $15,000 (roughly the same as one year of college)

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