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Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by mute on 2006-07-21 17:02:07
I just found that Their going to make a tales of symphonia ova based on the game. It was officially anounced on June 20,2006 that Namco would make a tales of symphonia ova that would be released in the year 2007.

director: Haruo Tonosaki among others
character design: Akira Matsushima (rurouni kenshin ova's)

This info was from wikipedia

As someone who played the game i cannot wait until this ova is released. The beginning and ending animations were spectacular. I can't wait to see this story brought out into anime.

PEACE V-(^_^)-o

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2006-07-21 18:04:13
Really?!? That's so cool! I love Tales of Symphonia! The anime art in the game was really pretty. I wish they had put more anime cut scenes in the gamecube version. Can't wait to see it!

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by Mink on 2006-07-21 21:41:28
Wow, seriously?!?! That's awesome! I'm an uber ToS addict... I've played the game multiple times, and I write fanfiction for it, too... I'm gonna have to go look that up. Gotta love wikipedia >.<

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-07-21 21:54:20
OOH, AWESOME! 'Cause I've wa~~ited so lo~ong for my ti~ime to co~ome...

Do you have a link to it? Or must I seach myself? XD

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by mute on 2006-07-22 00:05:33
Oh right! i new i forgot someting, if u wanna check it out then just go here,

and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by imppy on 2006-07-22 08:50:26
sometimes wikipedia makes mistakes, so it's not a guarantee, for assuring the info just check the official ( website of ToS.

Wikipedia once said that there will be an anime series of Tales of Legendia, but it was corrected after a few modifications.

Yeah, it's dissapointing nowadays that Wikipedia is not to be trusted at times <8/ just make sure they did it right this time, I'm a fan of ToS!!

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by mute on 2006-07-22 11:29:33
hmmm well you are right that wiki does sometimes screw up a lot, so i decided to dig a little deeper than wiki. i went to a few sites and clicked on a couple links and found this.

Of course it was in japanese so i used the google translater to read it in english, but with the amount i saw i'm pretty sure this is legit. oooooooohhh plzzzz let it be legit, an ova of ToS would be so cool.

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by Sion Yagami on 2006-07-22 19:35:36
When it comes out, I hope the keep the same voice actors from the game in the ova. Because that game had some of the greatest voices actors ever.

Memory can be a painful, but to forget can be a blessing.

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by tina on 2006-07-22 22:48:25
YES! I always wanted to see it like a anime seires.I hope i will be funny like the game and long if you have more info then please say something thank you!

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Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by Train on 2006-08-19 16:04:22
I hope that they make it a long OVA Serie...I hope they dont make it like Tales of Phantasia -the Animation which i recently saw (on .
.. it was ... well.. to describe it in one word : SHORT ! see it for yourself and you know what i mean...
however i dont want to ruin your mood neither do i want to be pessimistic
so i hope for my favourite Tales of saga: TOS to be a success ;)


Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by on 2007-07-08 09:11:58 (edited 2007-07-08 09:12:19)
Eps. 2 tooo looong to be released cant ugh... wait!!!!

I like the story and the char. even tough i havnt played the game but i really like the "Tales of" since Tales of destiny 1&2

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by on 2007-08-25 06:51:05
I just started with this anime's first episode... I instantly liked it.
There are 4 episodes and 2 were released so far. Episodes 3 and 4 will be out on October 24 and December 21

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by Live and Learn!! on 2008-05-18 00:06:42 (edited 2009-03-28 23:56:49)
I started watch the frist ep on youtube it so cool.

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by deloris on 2008-05-27 14:43:32
I watched a few episodes, I was mostly neutral. Blah, I think I might be one of those people who'd like the anime to stick to the game more.

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by Model V on 2008-05-27 14:49:31
Ive seen it and i liked it somewhat.Theres 4 episodes already as far as I know and I'm a bit angry it looks like there is only gonna be 8 episodes and the action isn't top quality.I'm just gonna keep playing ToS for GC until part 2 comes out for the wii.

ONly ToS freaks should watch the ova.

There can be no light without darkness . To experience true light one must first know darkness.Darkness is not evil , it shows whether or not u have the strength to overcome it and not be taken over but thats just one opinion. Model V:If u play Jump Ultimate Stars let me know!Seriously!

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-05-27 18:53:25
@ Model V: :( Sorry to tell you but there are only 4 episodes all together.

T___T The ending was a bit abrupt and I wish there was more.

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by on 2008-05-31 07:00:09
^ T___________________T

Looking on the bright side, there's always a chance that they'll pick up this series again and animate it. The story is so good. Colette is sooo adorable.
I was left empty with the hanging ending too.

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-06-01 20:45:59
@ Jaydel: T.T Yeah, I'm really hoping that they will continue with it.

-.- I was SO looking forward to the Tethe'alla part of the story since that contains my favorite characters like Presea.
o.o If they did make it a full length series, it would easily be at least 26 episodes, maybe even 52.

T__T But yeah, it's such a great story and deserves a full length series.

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by on 2008-08-07 12:09:06
There is going to be eight episodes in total. Four for Sylvarant, four for Tethe'Alla.

I have a question though, regarding release dates. When is the fifth episode coming out in Japan? I know there's a short extra episode (along the lines of Kratos' Private Lesson) coming out on September 26, but I am unsure of the real storyline updates. :x

Re: Tales of Symphonia OVA release
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-08-07 13:54:00
._. I'm pretty sure that there are only 4 episodes...

._. I'm doubting that there are going to be anymore since the last release was in December of 2007 and each OVA is usually released every 3 or 4 months and I haven't heard anything new about further progress.
*Jow is a pessimist >.>*
And on the official site, the only release they have listed is a complete collection of all previous releases.
(@_@ At least, that's what I think it is.)

The Kratos' Private Lesson extra you were referring to was already released. I think.
It was Kratos telling the story of the ancient war and what not.
The other day I DLed the extras on the first DVD and it was included on there. o.o
>.> If you're referring to something else, then I dunno. :P + @_@

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