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Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by Piglet on 2006-07-22 07:22:48
I just took up Nihongo Class around 8weeks ago. I hope i can put into pratice for what i have learnt so far if possible with people of the same interest.

So far, the nihongo particles is making my head twice as BIG woh.... *o*
with all the "ni", "e", "de", "to", "no" etc ....

Watashi Wa Piggy desu.
Shingapooru jin desu.
Doozo Yoroshiku.

Anata wa ?

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by sai on 2006-07-22 09:27:23
Ore wa? Sai da.
Indonesia jin, yoroshiku.
Ore wa nihongo ga omoshiroi to omou kedo, nihongo no koto ga ZENZEN wakaranai da yo -_-

I think i made some mistakes in that sentence... Well, that's what you got from learning japanese by only listening to animes...:P If you wanna learn a language, learn it properly!

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-07-22 13:01:18 (edited 2006-07-22 13:05:27)
Eto...Watashi wa RoKru/Tachibana Takuza desu
Nihonjin De Arimasu
Yoroshiku ^_^
Soka....Anata Shingapooru(Singapore right? O_o)
Eto.....Watashi wa jū nana

URA RENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<-----Dont mind this

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by Piglet on 2006-07-23 04:42:39
Konnichiwa Sai san.

Anata nani o Hanashimasuka?
Watashi wa Wakarimasen....

By listening to the animes, U can write great sentences like that... is very Good already **Applause** ^00^


Konnichiwa Rokru san,

Hai, Singapore desu..
Anata nanigo o hanashimasuka?

Ura Renge>>>>>> Wakarimasen :(

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by sai on 2006-07-23 07:29:05
"i think japanese language is very interesting, but i don't understand it at all -_-"

^i intended to say that but dunno if i wrote it correctly... About ura renge... Rokru's just shouting a random technique from naruto i think...

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by orcaz on 2006-07-23 08:14:28
i think its okay, sai. (i'm bad with english)

Orukazu(orcaz) to moushimasu,
mareeshia kara kimashita,
yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-07-24 06:29:04 (edited 2006-07-24 06:36:09)
Yeah i was shouting one of Lee's technique thats why i said Dont mind this

Questinary timu ^_^
Jyu Nana san <------------ Nani?
Higurashi <--------------- Nani?

IF you know this i praised you coz......There so easy XD

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by Piglet on 2006-07-24 07:45:31
Soodesu...Arigatoogozaimasu :)

Orcaz, U r very closed to me woh.. heehee

Jyu Nana san <------------ someone name I guess =P or figure 17 demo "Jyu" not "Juu"

Higurashi <--------------- Sunset ?? Lolzz =P

wah seh... U should praised no matter i GUESS it right anot.. Lolzzz ^*oo*^

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by orcaz on 2006-07-24 07:56:30
Close? I think not. I'm not at home right now.
RokRu is much closer.

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by Piglet on 2006-07-24 08:02:37

Singapore is the closest to Malaysia not meh...

Hmmmm... c")

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by sai on 2006-07-24 08:21:01
juu and jyu is the same i guess, it's people's preferences...

if you mean jyu nana sai then it means 17 yrs old...

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by abcdefg on 2006-07-24 08:32:12
but if you want to type in hiragana you'll have to use juu ^^

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-07-25 03:19:19 (edited 2006-07-25 03:20:10)
Its Jyuu nana San

Higurashi = Cicada :P

Since when im close to Singapore O_o

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by orcaz on 2006-07-25 04:03:21
sorry for the confiusion. (confiusion attack!< i love this)
Yes well, i'm malaysian and malaysia is close to singapore.
But what I mean is, I'm not at malaysia right now.

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by soukyo on 2006-07-25 21:05:00

i am from Canada...this is my first post i allowed to use Janpanese like above or just Romaji??

soukyo 蒼鏡

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by Filter on 2006-07-26 02:03:21



Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-07-26 05:39:16
People here(At this thread at least) talk Japanese by using English letters....
I know some people uses a translor so that they can rpove that they could 'speak' Japanese....



そこの井戸は英語のそれらをタイプしなさいことをそれらは缶日本語を' 話す' ことを私が言ったように...... 誰かであるかもしれない考える人々

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by Piglet on 2006-07-26 06:57:19

The words are making me seeing alot of STARS ---=*

I think I'll need another fews more years to undertand all those words...
Lolxx ...

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by soukyo on 2006-07-26 17:25:02
sorry about starting typing in kanji.
i didn't mean to show off or's just...i am not used to type or read in Romaji. characters make more sense for me.
please just ignore me and continue.

soukyo 蒼鏡

Re: Share about Nihon~Nihonjin~Nihongo anyone ? ^o^
Link | by Filter on 2006-07-26 19:50:21
>>そこの井戸は英語のそれらをタイプしなさいことをそれらは缶日本語を' 話す' ことを私が言ったように...... 誰かであるかもしれない考える人々



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