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what was the best nickname?
Link | by tina on 2006-07-23 23:15:59
i'm sorry if this is a repeat topic.So far who do you think had the best,coolest,or funniest nickname on this web site?

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Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by Reichstadt on 2006-07-23 23:19:36

"What are you looking at? You like this? This is what you want right? Oh come on...don't lie..Look around, there are lots of unfinished job for you........If I have the authority, I won't abuse it...its just not right and you know it. What? you dont know? I pity you...." -Çß R...
Fridge in the room: *sigh* let them have fun on their own
Man covered in bandage: *sigh* Its boring now....
Others: Have fun on your own...

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-23 23:20:04
I can't say...

...*thinks hard*

The Admin and Mods have nice names. I like 'em anyways...


Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by SeaCucumber on 2006-07-23 23:20:29 original.... xD

Dark days and sunny nights --
Escape the glimmer of city lights;
Stranded in the crying rain,
Taking joy and adding pain.

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-23 23:22:58
Lol, Reichstadt is stalking new members. Sending theme e-mails (if they added it already) to CHECK HIS SIGNATURE!!!

I'm the only one on this site that has a name such as I have...I think...I hope...


Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-07-24 00:02:22
The best nickname... Well besides mine (dang, are avatars ever hard to pronounce O_o;)... It'd have to be...

Whoever was responsible in any way for cleaning up the other topic!

*moves to waste of time* Bwahahaha...

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-07-24 00:16:11 (edited 2006-07-24 00:16:29)
I like the nickname AngelYuki. It is so cute! Lady maia is a cute name too, it sounds very innocent and sweet. Arcshiki is a also a crazy name too.

However, do you think nicknames that are borrowed straight from anime are unoriginal, and can't count as "cool"? I say no. What about me, Itachi, and Gendou? We chose some of the coolest anime characters for our names, yet some may feel that our names are unoriginal, since we borrowed them from well known anime characters. In reality, I doned Shishio because he is my fave anime character, and I have confidence I will not embarass and can live up to that awesome character's rep.

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by sai on 2006-07-24 00:21:43 (edited 2006-07-24 00:27:20)
Hmm, i declare my nick in another forum as the coolest... "Sapilaut" meaning "the sea cow"...XD

how about that for non-animeness... My current name is also not from any anime, but i don't think it's even close as cool as that nick above... :D

Edit: woops i missed the "from this site" part... Well, if it's from this site i'll have to say... ARCSHIKI is the coolest... It's just an acronym from anime characters, but somehow the name keeps popping in my head so i declare that name the coolest ^^

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by on 2006-07-24 16:24:01
My favorite is Devils-Angel (DANGEL). It's a nice mix of good and evil, which suits DANGEL's personality. xD

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Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-07-24 16:26:48 (edited 2006-07-24 16:28:17)
...shishio is name is borrowed, but i live can live up to it if needed *glares at everyone*...itachi is also mah favorite...^_^...

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by Reichstadt on 2006-07-24 17:24:21 (edited 2006-07-24 17:47:15)
The best will be and ever will be is "Gendou"


Heres a screenshot of what suzaku saw.....

"What are you looking at? You like this? This is what you want right? Oh come on...don't lie..Look around, there are lots of unfinished job for you........If I have the authority, I won't abuse it...its just not right and you know it. What? you dont know? I pity you...." -Çß R...
Fridge in the room: *sigh* let them have fun on their own
Man covered in bandage: *sigh* Its boring now....
Others: Have fun on your own...

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by on 2006-07-24 17:36:49
Hey,, woah there, itachi! We're not gonna blame you if your name is borrowed, cause you're awesome. xD

Wow. O_O Reich has taken over the "Waste of Time" topic! xD

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Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-24 22:10:35
@Suzaku, thanks a lot!!. *hugs Suzaku and throws confetti everywhere sparkling*

There's prolly a million members who have some creative names out here. If I knew Suzaku and more of the member's who use Yaoi type anime as their names (pardon me if they're not all Yaoi Anime), I would get a better understanding though I won't put anyone down. All members creative a name taht fits them best. XD


Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by on 2006-07-25 16:59:55
Yes...see Reich's screenshot up there.*blushes as DANGEL hugs me*
Sorry...not very used to boys hugging me. ^^;

*ppl stares at Suzaku*

Hey...don't get the wrong idea here, ppls!

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Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by DrendDragonspawn on 2006-07-26 19:12:20
I can't read that screen shot. What is it supposed to be of? Other than the obvious answer of the forum.

Oh, well. I kind of like mine. It is original and unique. No saying bad things to anime lovers, 'cause that is who this site is for. I also like the crazy avatars that I can't figure out what are. They occupy my time in a way that nothing else can.

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by on 2006-07-30 08:56:40

Hey, Reich, welcome me to your club, cause I'm the SECOND person to do this!! xD


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Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-07-31 04:14:56
whoa..i just noticed this thread ^_^;
shishio, thanks for the compliment!

the best nickname for me is...
*surprise surprise*
no bias here guys, its a really cool name, really XD

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by abcdefg on 2006-07-31 04:19:38
I think Itachi's nick, Sachiel's nick and Jonathon's nick are great :)

Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-07-31 04:23:38
I like Sachiel, Dangel and lots more names..

But the best nickname for me is my very own nickname, atemu_mana!! If you see atemu_mana, that's likely gonna be me-!

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Re: what was the best nickname?
Link | by H on 2006-07-31 05:40:21
Everyone know the 8th letter of the alphabet, right? That's where my name is. Easy to remember, and of course it has a special meaning lol

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