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Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-08-04 14:39:58
ハイ! ★ One of the things that I like about the Japanese language is the use of onomatopoeias. ★ Ono- what???
Well, if you know what that means, good for you!!! *(^-^)* But for the rest of us non-English major folk, "onomatopoeia" means 'words that imitate sounds.' ♪♪♪
An example in English would be the "buzz" a bumblebee makes...

In Japanese..? Well.. when Ryuichi in Gravitation exclaims, 「ピカピカァー!!!」 ★ (笑)
That's one of my favourite onomatopoeias. (^-^;;)

Another word that I often heard and used when talking with Japanese friends is, 「フワフワ!!」 (^o^)v
We used that word to describe something soft, fuzzy, or fluffy.. like a sweater. ★

Can anyone share any Japanese sound words that they like??? ^^ ♪ ♪ ♪

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by natsu on 2006-08-05 21:56:16
ワクワク means excited

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by sai on 2006-08-06 02:10:58
...........Tomatopeas??? XD never heard a word like that before...

Anyway, sorry, but i can't type japanese letters, so i'll write in romanji...

Dokidoki (excited heartbeat)
Kunkun (Sniff sniff...)
Dadadadada (running...)
gatagata (i think it's a sliding door movement...)

i forgot the rest...-_-

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-08-06 15:17:46
あ~ぁ、romaji is also fine!! *(^-^)b Thank you for sharing, and also, teaching me new words!! ★ すごい!
I just remembered some expressions:

「ワンワン」 is the sound of a dog barking.
「ニャーニャー」 is the sound of a cat 'meowing.'


それから… Tomatopeas は おいしそう! ちょっと 食べたい なぁ、Sai-san! (笑)

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by sai on 2006-08-07 01:30:29
You sure that sound delicious... It's rather weird...-_-*

anyway, i just remembered some more...

DO! (gunshot)
waaa waaa waaa (if i'm not mistaken it's the noise in the crowd...)
DOSU (sometimes i see this in a punching scene, so i suppose it's the sound effect...)
Uki uki (a monkey ^^)
kara kara (crackle crackle... something like that i guess...>.<)

and... i forgot again... :P

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by shiroyuu on 2006-08-08 01:10:13
ブチッ!!(someone snapping)
がーーん…(utterly shocked)


「ゴロゴロ」sounds lovely. how i wish i can live like that everyday..

current favourite(s): niconico douga!!!!!

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by kudoushinichi on 2006-08-08 01:34:43
Doki doki! -heart beat


Chu~~~~! - kiss

BAKI! DOKA! - for punches and kicks

Za~ za~ - Rain

Ji~~~ - Staring

Shi~~~ -Silence

Paku paku - chewing

Gyurururururu~ - empty stomach

Too many! Google it! You can find a page that has a long list of Japanese Onomatopoeia!

Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-08-09 16:55:42
わぁ~い! v(^O^)v ...So many words to learn...! (≧∀≦)

サンキュー、shiroyuu-san! ガーーンって言う意味を教えてくれて… I've always wondered when one should use that word, and when one should not use it... (^^;;)

Oh, here are some more words I like!
「ブヨブヨ」 is something squishy and flabby, like body fat. My tummy is very ブヨブヨ! (^.^;;;)
「ペコペコ」 is also an empty or hungry stomach.
「よいしょ!」 is what old Japanese men say when getting up from their seats. かわいい やろう?

The reason why I never Googled this topic before is that I learn better from other people, not from other things. (●¨∀¨●) Well, I just looked it up now, to see what's out there...

Sai-san! ★ They say that 「カラカラ」 means 'dried-up' or 'parched.' An example I remember from 日本語の授業 is: のど が カラカラ です。 It litterally means, "my throat is very dry." And generally, it means, "I'm thirsty." But...maybe there are cases where it also means, 'crackle, crackle!' や ね? ★
そして… I'm sure tomatopeas will taste fine with some salad dressing. (XD) 笑 It'll be a new, vegetable hybrid!

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by sai on 2006-08-10 00:15:29
Mm, i'm not too sure about the 'crackle crackle' thing... I think they use the sound 'kara kara' when small stones or pebbles are falling down a hill... Or some scene like that... And i interpret the sound as 'crackle crackle' in english... :P sorry if i'm mistaken...^^;

anyway, just remembered...

hyuuu... (wind blowing)
kaaaa kaaaa (crow's sound)
GAN GAN (metal clashing)
shiiiiiiiin~ (quiet/ awkward situation... I think...-_-)

ehe... That's all i remember now... But i wanted to know something...

「よいしょ!」 is what old Japanese men say when getting up from their seats. かわいい やろう?

i sense something is a bit different here... Do you speak with kansai-ben by any chance? Since you're not a native... Don't people usually learn the normal japanese...^^;

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-08-11 03:54:45
zaku zaku - Metal hitting each other
zuru zuru - Dragging

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by 白金/ El on 2006-08-11 12:40:39 (edited 2006-08-11 12:44:53)
Found something very interesting... =_="

クマクマー = Sound of a bear

Played Shinobido and the bear went クマクマー!!! roflmao XD

Oh and i almost forgot about frogs =P

ケロケロ = frogs

Admiral, Fleet Commander of the Elduras Fleet

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-08-12 10:10:51
Kune - Wriggle
Gu - Clench Hand in Victory
Don - Ta-da!
Piku - Twitch
Go Go Go Go - Sound of Dark Omens

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-08-12 19:37:48 (edited 2006-08-12 19:44:33)
Sai-san ♪ : When I hear the words "crackle crackle," I think of a small, crackling fire... (^^;;) But now I see what you mean about 「カラカラ」。。! You're right, it does appear in scenes like those! Thanks for your explanation! ★ But I can't remember the correct English to describe those situations.. so, let's just leave it at that! (笑) ね?

And yes.. I use 関西弁、sometimes.. I can't help it! (≧∀≦) Foreigners normally learn 標準語 (standard Japanese), but I lived in 大阪 for a bit.. So naturally, I picked up some of the local dialect. 関西人 are very proud of their language, and I got used to it. (笑) Now, I find it hard to use 標準語 (standard) and 丁寧語 (polite language)! (>.<)

To add to 「ヒュウー」…
「ヒュルリーラ」 describes how the wind carries off cherry blossom petals... they fly away in circles until they hit the ground... ※
And Ren-san's 「ドン」…
「じゃぁ~ん!」 is another way to say, 'ta-da!' ♪

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by Limit on 2006-08-23 02:46:17
Dobashaaa! (A large splash.)
Hwaaan... (sigh)
zaa... zaa... (I think these is the sound of waves by the seashore)

--- Aaargh! I wish I had the time to freely frequent the forums!

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by Eiko on 2006-09-10 15:09:33
pin pon! = great idea

kerokero or gerogero = ribbit, frog

kurukuru pa = crazy guy, don't forget to make a swirly motion with your finger next to your head when you say it.

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-10-06 20:02:20
@ Eiko-san: 「くるくる ぱ~ぁ」 is hilarious! (笑) We can use it in everyday life.. (^o~;;)

Also, I like when people say 「ブ~」! It means 'wrong!' when someone gives a wrong answer. (。_ 。;;) かわいい と思うけど‥ 「ブ~」 is also the opposite of 「ピンポン」。 ★

「チョキチョキ」 is a snipping sound, like that of scissors cutting paper.
「ポキ」 is the sound of cracking bones, or dislocating joints.. or replacing them. (e_e;;;)

I was learning じゃんけん from my Japanese host sister, and I said 「ポキ」 instead of 「チョキ」。。 (^^;;;)

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by on 2006-10-07 06:03:57
oop-ack has a pretty good list of them (

Free cake for whoever guesses what "munyu" is.

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by Satu on 2006-10-22 12:34:53 (edited 2006-10-22 12:36:40)

"Mou" is what cows say.
"Nya" is what cats say.
"Chu" is what mice say.

I have more, but I'll have to post them later.

NYA! ^__~

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by Kaye Arym on 2006-11-29 15:25:24
You're a Bobobo fan, you should know this sound,
"donpatchi donpatchi donpatchi!"

Its the sound of a machine gun firing. >.<

Re: Japanese Onomatopoeias (sound words)
Link | by Sean  - 渚音 on 2006-11-29 18:54:57


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