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Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by on 2006-08-05 10:50:30
I have been translating songs, and I have come to a line that I am finding difficulty figuring out how to translate. I can break it apart and know what the gist of the line is, but cannot seem to make sense of it in a translation. Can anyone here help me figure a good way to translate this?:

闇は君のために 僕のために 朝が来ないように
ただ 包みこむよ

yami wa kimi no tame ni boku no tame ni asa ga konai yô ni
tada tsutsumi komu yo
soba ni iru yo

I cannot determine if the 'soba ni iru yo' goes with the previous, but I am certain that the 'tada tsutsumi komu yo' does, because it makes more sense grammatically.

(Because of you, Because of me, the darkness will only engulf, so that the day doesn't come)

Any suggestions?

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by Woji on 2006-08-05 16:19:41
I'm not fluent yet in japanese... but there are alot of sites and programs to translate... my favourite program is MultiTranse.

some websites in my bookmarks:
AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation

Quizzes on Commonly-used Japanese Words

English-Japanese Vocabulary Quizzes

Japanese: Vocabulary Guide | 日本語: ボキャブラリー・ガイド

Japanese Words & Phrases

Online English to Japanese to English Dictionary

Free Online Translator

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by pinkrms on 2006-08-05 20:21:46
Well, I would translate the first part as 'For you, for me, the darkness will envelop us so that the morning doesn't come.' I don't know whether the そばにいるよ refers to the darkness or the singer, so the next part is either "It will be close by" or "I will be close by." I think the latter is better though.

過去に心の傷を持たないヤツなどいやしない。そんなヤツがいたら そいつは薄っぺらなヤツだ。

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-08-07 04:46:20
>.< *sweatdrop* sorry... I don't want to make a new thread... I think my topic is okay here right? anywhoo...

I need some help, when we were still on the plane going to hongkong you can ask for earphones and listen to music on their music thingy right [on the plane]? well, I was surfing the channels when I come across the japanese one and started listening to it... then there was this ONE song that I really liked! but I don't know the title of the song... can someone help me?... I found the list songs that were featured during the flight, it's in japanese, and I'm stil not good at reading/understanding it >.<... here it is...:

~~~thumbnailed, click on it for a larger pic wai~~~~

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by sai on 2006-08-07 08:32:57
Well... Which one do you want to now the name?

i can only read the two at the bottom. Sarbia no Tsubomi by Homemade Kazoku and Samurai Soul by... I don't know how to spell that, Ulfulz? Ulfruth? idk >.<

Maybe ren can help, he's a native after all...

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by pinkrms on 2006-08-07 19:40:44
Well, if you want to know how to read the kanji, it's Shoudou by B'z, No Regret by Kouda Kumi, Ima ni Kitto...In My Life by Gotou Maki, and Kokuminteki Gyouji by Kreva.

過去に心の傷を持たないヤツなどいやしない。そんなヤツがいたら そいつは薄っぺらなヤツだ。

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-08-10 00:10:45 (edited 2006-08-10 00:14:19)
THANK YOU SAI AND PINKRMS... but I need another translation *sweatdrop* sorry... can you translate this please? ^^

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by calamity58 on 2006-08-10 00:14:37
maia, homeworks? xD hehehe you want translate ...hmm.. just wait for there ill translate now...

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by pinkrms on 2006-08-10 20:38:22
Tada...Aitakute by Exile
Passion by Utada Hikaru
Beautiful by Yoshii Kazuya
Chef by Kudou Shintarou
Chikai by Hirahara Ayaka
Oretachi no Yamato by Hannya
Chousensha by Kondou Masahiko

過去に心の傷を持たないヤツなどいやしない。そんなヤツがいたら そいつは薄っぺらなヤツだ。

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-08-10 20:39:40
^^ thank you! you're so good! wai~!

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Some Translation Help, Please?
Link | by on 2006-08-11 12:48:09
Thank you, pinkrms. That really did help me.

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