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Shishio: Back from EVO2K6! CRAZY STORIES!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-21 16:07:12 (edited 2006-08-22 13:19:33)
OK fight fans, it has been a long week and left me $600 in debt (don't worry I have a good job and can pay it off quickly) but EVO2k6 was worth it! What is EVO? The world fighting game tournament held here in America, there is only one bigger one held in Japan. Oh and sorry I didn't take pics because I forgot to budget for a digital camera, sorry! My card had maxed out already! My freind has some though, when he emails them I'll post something. Anyways, here are the highlights:


Duc Do and Sanford wagered $2000 on who would be first to seven in MVC2! The crowd split into west and east coast factions, vying wildly to charge up their side! The matches had the most incredible combacks ever, you'll have to see to believe! At one point, as he was about to play his final match before losing, Duc stood up, the crowd started to go crazy, and he threw his shirt off and threw it to the crowd before resuming play! I yelled, "NOW THAT IS A MOTHERF***IN PIMP!!"!


I saw Daigo... in person. At first, I looked him in the eye and he turned away as if shy; later I passed him by himself (?) I smiled, and he smiled back! (no doubt a precipice to our future match in the finals someday!)

@Koori-chan, think of the feeling of the moment like this, (from Saiyuki) " a light?" ;)

I got the idea he is a huge introvert and shy of Americans and strangers in general. However, inside he's a cool guy.


I came here for the Tekken tournament, and at first, in my pool, I was owning everybody except a few people there; one I could not touch and the other two I was even with, all the rest I humilated to no end, with low-tier Ling! My first oppenent simply quit before we even fought officially, which was too bad, because being destroyed by Ling in a tournament is SO FUNNY! But, unfortunatly, as the tournament began, I found that I was matched not any more of the people I had easily beaten, but those that I was even with! So, since we were even, it means it would be a good match, right? Ha. But then they (administrators) got the idea we were so even we should be put on stage for all to see! No, seriously! I have never been on the main stage here before, and before I knew it, I choked, :( , forgot many of my moves/tactics, and lost, not badly, but lost nonetheless (though I went out in a blaze of glory with big Ling combos I got respect for). Later, I found this player was one of the best US Kings if not the one and a #1 California player!

However, this would still prove a good learning experience, later I talked to my mentor in fighting games David Sirlin and he gave me advice on what had happened, assuring me it was normal and that I needed more experience as the other player had- proving why he didn't "choke"- in addition he gave me much more relevant advice which became so clear after that happpened. BTW, now I have to have that feeling of playing on stage back, without the nervousness next time, it is the best feeling ever...


Now with the new Sol! Holy Order Sol PWNS. I hear he's low tier, but I was winning 30% of the time with him, after playing him for 15 minutes to one day, against people who had used their characters for YEARS, some of these people I played with the Order were in the FINALS! I didn't even learn any big combos, or use of his meter! Imagine what happens when I do learn that, this may be my TRUE Guilty Gear copy arrives in the mail soon...


Not just in games, but in real life! My two buddies and I went to FatBurger at night in the Casino, and because I walked in front of a worker as he rushed ot the kitchen (I did'nt even notice him) he threatened me as my back was turned, seriously! As I sat my stuff down and turned around to buy some eats, my freind was mean-mugging and "getting in his face" the dude, he walked away and told me what happened! I had no idea; the guy was furious and his coworker was telling him to calm down! Don't worry, I had my knife on me, so there were no worries for my life or anything if stuff got out of hand, but I decided it would be best for us to leave, since it would make the gamers all look bad for us to fight. However, my friends were itching to throw down!

At the same Fatburger earlier, I was flirting with a hot Mexican girl, we were really hitting it off when I noticed an older guy (I thought it was her Dad at first!) mean-mugging me! I was confused at first, and then I relaized this was her HUSBAND with like a ten year age difference (wedding rings, OH S***!). I decided to back down because my respect for marriage is too high, and I walked away with one of the same buddies from before, he told me I at least "looked like a pimp" in front of the astounded nerds who were also their for lunch! (apparently it's impossible to be good at games and with girls, HA! Tell that to Crow (Tekken 5), who wants to come next year?

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