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is anime for geeks???
Link | by lil_belldandy on 2006-08-22 01:33:04
well recently some of my friends found out that i love anime...they say i was corny and that animes awre for geeks is this true??? opinion guys.....

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by Juha on 2006-08-22 02:34:07
They are wrong, they just try to be "cool and funny guys".
They maybe don't like anime but I bet that if they see couple of animes, they start to like them, at least little.

I had same thing and I just didn't care and then they stopped to bully me about it.
Actually when I showed one anime series to one of them, he started to like animes :D

They don't like the things you like but you don't maybe like the things which they like.

"World isn't always fair and nice. If you are sad, you luckily have always your best friends with you who always can help you out of your sadness...even if they aren't near. Just remember this and you will be happy and you won't fall in lair of sadness." -I speaking to my friend who got in accident once-

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by j on 2006-08-22 03:34:08
if anyone told me tht i was a geek for watchng anime id show them the finger and tell them i dont give a shit!(friends or not).

its as simple as tht, u love watchng anime so why let shit like tht bother u ?

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-08-22 03:39:14
No! Anime are not for geeks only!

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by on 2006-08-22 03:54:16
Anime are SO not for geeks. Sure there ARE some who watch them, but even the non-geeks watch em too. WHoever ur friends are probably doesn't see how fun a great anime can be, but that's a matter of opinion for different people.

Take my lil sis for example. She thinks anime is geeky too(not that she put it exactly dat way but she could've). But even so she'd watch it depending on the story and the artwork so anime is not just for geeks only.

(didn't i just said that that already? ~_~

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Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by redberrie on 2006-08-22 05:23:01
hey, if that person really said that, i think he/she has offended about half the earth's population ehh, mind you.. better watch your words. tsk tsk, how could they say stuff lyk that anyway. anime and manga are really terrific things. =] one of the most wonderous gifts to mankind, yeahh. X)

i hate to say this [even for anime and manga] but most things are a matter of perspective. =S some of my friends are also liddat, die die they'll never watch anime or read manga. why? cause 'not interested'.. -____________________-'"|

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by karuzo on 2006-08-22 05:46:00
anime was created because of your imagination and also our point of view


Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by sai on 2006-08-22 06:27:47
FOR GEEKS?? No, anime is for brave people. I'm pretty sure that even the toughest man on earth doesn't dare to watch hello kitty... Even i don't.

I watch eva and elfen lied, but hello kitty? That takes a real courage to watch it...


Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by on 2006-08-22 06:30:11
@sai: lol, hello kitty! (dies laughing)

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Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-08-22 08:18:29 (edited 2006-08-22 08:21:55)
Dunno. I guess most geeks luv anime. But most anime fans aren't geeks. Coz we're growing.

I think the tendency is that watching anime needs extra IQ in your brain. People with high IQ has the tendency to understood things that normal people don't. And humans are affraid of what the don't understand. So, they call them geeks to suppress them and make themselves feel better for not understanding what the geeks do.

Hello Kitty? Kerokerokeroppiiii!!!
But Hello Kitty is so sweet!!!!

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by rematche on 2006-08-22 08:28:52
as my master always says "it's depends!"

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by on 2006-08-22 08:43:20 (edited 2006-08-22 08:45:34)
Anime isn't for geeks, it's art and better than half of the crap on tv nowadays. Everyone should be free to watch whatever kind of show they want without having people think of them a certain way. Anime is just something different, if you like to watch it and aren't going completely nuts or becoming totally obsessed with it then what's the problem? It really all depends on how much you like it.

See the reason stereotypes are born, such as this one[anime is for geeks], is because ignorant people see or hear about one or two people and then automactically think that everyone is like that. It's sad to think people can be that judgemental but hey, a lot of people today are just plain stupid, sad but true.


Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by vortex on 2006-08-22 10:23:36
theres an easy way to fix your friends if they are not into anime hehe =) i converted half my friends to anime the other half still think its lame gay w/e but i still got half on my side hehe just start watching anime showing it to them whenever you can eventually they will find a good one they likei have 3/4 of my bext friends liking anime and they never really hated it because hey they are my best friends they would never say anything bad in front of me , but now i got them all liking it its pretty funny 2 of my friends are now obbessed to the point of cosplay with naruto =/ ninjas ftw i guess

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-08-22 10:29:41
If this was any way of true, then I'm one of the biggest geeks, out of the millions or billions of geeks, and I want to be one of the actually geeks to draw this geeky stuff on TV.

I don't think anybody can hate anime, just not tend to watch it. I don't even think Anime and Hate, being used together can even exist.


Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by on 2006-08-22 10:37:19
Uh, I think most geeks are anime "freaks", but lately, more anime fans aren't geeks, but just ordinary people.

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by on 2006-08-22 10:46:23
i'm not a geek. i didn't notice that most geeks are anime freaks. but i do notice that most people here are techy and you guys know a lot about computer stuffs. and i'm one of the very few (if there are still others like me who only knew basic html) people who's not really into this technology (though i wanted to learn). but i really love anime, especially naruto. hehe...

so if techy = geek = anime freaks, where will i fit in? hahaha...

dude, anime is for everybody. do not question it.

courtesy of koumonji, salamat tol!

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by Sir Bon on 2006-08-22 11:18:22
Does it matter what they think? What matters is what you want. If they keep making fun of you because of it, then you have three choices. 1 - ignore their insult, 2 - you don't really need friends like that, so drop them, 3 - they are much more important than enjoying anime so you drop anime.

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-08-22 11:22:56
I think a fight over being called a "geek" just for loving anime so much is...childish? It's basically pointless but my friends know I watch it, some don't know what Anime is or hardly know it, but they love me no matter what. ^_^

Anime = All Viewers! XD

Note: I also agree with Jonathon's reply as well. XD


Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by HongyNgyWongy on 2006-08-22 11:26:55
please tell me the name of those people. *pulls out a magnum sniper, loads it*
it mainly depends what you do. If you sit at home all day and watch anime 24/7 and your room is filled wit stuff from anime conventions, yea... no question about it... but if you watch it once every so often, and you actually do stuff other than watch it, then your not. Everyone i know watches anime, even the white people in my school watch it, not very often though.

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Re: is anime for geeks???
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-08-22 11:39:36
I don't really think you'll be a geek if you watch anime 24/7 (impossible anyways with sleep, eat, SHOWER, etc.). If you watch mostly anime on TV, then that's really not a big deal cause I mostly watch anime on TV. Like Jon said, there's really nothing else to watch on TV nowadays, but I listen to mostly anime/japanese music as well.

I would just say, You're not a Geek if you're involved with Anime. That's just me anyways...


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