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Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by on 2006-08-27 16:08:53 (edited 2006-08-27 16:11:09)
This game is pretty funny :P it was on one of the forums i was in...and i thought it'd be cool to start it here too ^_^

heres how it goes:

First person:
A: *stupid answer*

Q: *stupid question*

Second person:
A: *stupid answer*

Q: *stupid question*

and so on and so forth XD

Q: Why is the internet so awesome?

A: cause it's a net

Q: Are you a human?

A: No, I'm a frypan from planet Mkeidos


1. The questions and answers HAVE to be somewhat stupid hehe
2. the 4 post rule applies
3. please be respectful to everyone ^_^
4. HAVE FUN! ^__^
*whacks everyone with frypan*


A: why are cats called cats?

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-08-27 16:12:06
A: Because they thought pussy cats needed to be abbreviated

Q: Where do ninjas get those cool black uniforms?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by Rimai on 2006-08-27 16:18:00
A: They buy white uniforms and paint them black.

Q: Why do dogs chase their tails?

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Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-27 16:21:13
Q: Because they can't chase their heads.

A: Why do you pirates say ARHHH MATEY?

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by gendou on 2006-08-27 16:42:26 (edited 2006-08-27 16:43:11)
A: because BEEE MATEY sounded kind of fruity.

Q: Why are there no inuyasha songs on gendou?

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by on 2006-08-27 17:08:39
A: because inuyasha is soooooooooo last year XD (but i still love it anywayz lolz)

Q: Why can't humans fly?

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-08-27 18:18:31
A:cause then we'd fall :P

Q:why is the sky blue?

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2006-08-27 18:54:49
A: Because green was already taken by grass.

Q: Why is it hot in the summer?

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-27 19:17:39
Because you're wearing your winter clothes

Q: Why haven't I seen Naruto yet?

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by porro on 2006-08-27 19:41:51
Because you're smart ;D

Q: Why are my pants dirty? : /

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by ShirayukiYukiko on 2006-08-27 19:44:53
A: Cos u made them dirty
Q: Why are we leaving on earth?

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2006-08-27 23:09:30
A : becus this place is call earth

Q : y is this place call earth?

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-08-27 23:29:39 (edited 2006-08-27 23:31:02)
A: Because its easier to say than "hopfyo" or "druwle" or "whiddphillronst" or... (*continues to make random noises*)

Q: Why do bears have fur?

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-28 00:08:26
So you can walk up to them and pet them, dont be shy, do it! Rip off their fur while you're at it! They don't mind!

Q: Why are kittens so cute?

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by Lulu on 2006-08-28 00:31:28 (edited 2006-08-28 00:33:00)
A: Because kittens are animal.

Q: Why are the human have 2 hands?

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by Muunraito on 2006-08-28 00:40:57
A : Because they already got 2 feet

Q : Why do you always use PC or laptop to access gendou?

As a symbol I can be incorruptible.

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-08-28 01:12:49
A: coz TV can't access gendou

Q: why there's no zombie?

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Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by on 2006-08-28 01:21:43
A: becuase their dead.

Q: Why do flowers bloom?


Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-28 01:30:33 (edited 2006-08-28 01:36:07)
Flowers bloom because they want a better view of your pretty eyes

Q: When does George Bush sleep?

Re: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer game XD
Link | by gendou on 2006-08-28 01:35:06 (edited 2006-08-28 01:36:04)
(sorry, i posted out of order because someone beat me to the reply)

A: during important briefings

Q: what time is it?

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