if someone calls you...
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by MiCHiYo μ
on 2006-08-29 19:37:38 (edited 2006-08-29 19:37:55)
hey guys! i'm no japanese expert, and i only know a few things... know how the japanese address you with respect by putting -san and -chan and -sensei and -senpai et cetera at the end of your name? well, my good friend called me this: michiyo-han what does the -han mean? i can't find it anywhere... errmmm, riceboks? what do you say? japanese people? what is it? oh, and what are the other endings that they may call you? -michiyo- ![]() beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI. it's solidarity month! let's be united! +[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+
~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  
Re: if someone calls you...
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by ★Rika-chan★
on 2006-08-30 01:43:55 (edited 2006-08-30 02:33:46)
Well... I'm not Japanese and I'm no expert, either.. But I have heard the word "~han" being used as a name suffix, before... (^^;;;) In the anime Get Backers, the character Emishi Haruki addresses everyone as "~han." I think it's cute! (^o^;;) Anyway, this guy uses a lot of Kansai dialect.. (thus, he must be from the Kansai region). So, perhaps "~han" is a part of Kansai-ben..? It sure sounds like it.. Maybe it's the Kansai version of the standard Japanese "~san"..? This is just my educated guess and I'm not 100% sure. (>.<) Why don't you just ask your friend what it means? (XD) I'm sure they'd be happy to explain it to you! ♪ Other name suffixes that are normally used are "~kun" (for boys), "~rin" (for girls), and my favourite.... "~sama" (honourific language)! I love to be called "Rika-sama"!!! v(*^O^*)v *lol* ★ |
Re: if someone calls you...
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by MiCHiYo μ
on 2006-08-30 01:54:22
well, he doesn't want to tell me... he said that it's quite special, and that i should figure it out for myself, because it will be a wreck if he told me. ^_^ haha! thanks, anyways! it helped me bit, the least. and thanks for the other suffixes as well! but, uh, i have a request... could you retype it in romanji, please? i can't see it... there's something wrong with the japanese language of my computer... -_-" arigatou gozaimashta ruki-chan! -michiyo- ![]() beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI. it's solidarity month! let's be united! +[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+
~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  
Re: if someone calls you...
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by ★Rika-chan★
on 2006-08-30 02:29:16
(o_o) Dang... Okay, you know what? I'll ask MY Japanese friends and see if they can help us answer this question! (:P) If (or when) I get an answer, I'll let you know!! (^o^;;)b Sorry, you can't read my Japanese! I'll edit my post now!! (^^;;) ~Rika-chan |
Re: if someone calls you...
Mmm, i have a manga scanlation where the character calls people with "han" as well. The editor said that "han" is like "san", but used by people from kyoto... Maybe that's the explanation? |
Re: if someone calls you...
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haha, HAN? no explainations. NONONO |
Re: if someone calls you...
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by ★Rika-chan★
on 2006-09-15 22:38:59
Tadaima~! ★ I've finally confirmed the answer! It's just as Sai-san said... The manga editor can't afford to be wrong, after all.. yarou? Well, my Japanese host sister said that people from Kansai sometimes use "~han" ― and people especially from Kyoto use it. Tokyo people changed "~han" to "~san." (Why, those little... *lol*) ...And that makes me wonder if "~han" was used in the older days, and if "~san" was invented later on...? I don't know this answer. (><) Anyway, I can't believe that my first guess was actually right! Yatta! v(^O^)v ~Tensai no Rika-chan yori (^o~;)v |
Re: if someone calls you...
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may be -han was old version of san (accroding to some info i had) ![]() |
Re: if someone calls you...
"~han" is indeed Kansai dialect for "~san." Speakers of the Kansai dialect do change some 's' sounds to 'h' sounds when they speak, particular with suffixes and inflections. For example, standard Japanese gives the polite form of "to not eat" as "tabemasen." In Kansai dialect, this would be changed to "tabemahen." I'm not too sure if "~san" was invented later on after "~han," but I don't think so because Kansai dialect does have many peculiar speech patterns that don't seem to stem from any form of classical Japanese. *Note: Have some fun, and look for Kansai dialect in Osaka's speech when watching Azumanga Daioh. ;) |
Re: if someone calls you...
for me is like kirai dayo(prety)or baka(Idiot's).... Chotto mate(wait for a minuteo)
Nice to known every one in here ok
Re: if someone calls you...
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Well, there are a who bunch of sufixes that are used in japanese. So chan, -kun, -sama, you know...the works. It depends on your relationship with the other person. So the suffix will me different. depending. ![]() |
Re: if someone calls you...
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by kuroda akira
on 2006-12-22 18:24:02
I'm no expert but I know quite some from a book here.Except han... -san:this is the most common honorific and is equivalent to mr.,miss,ms.,or mrs.It is the all-purpose honorific and can be used in any situation where politeness is required. -sama:this is one level higher than -san and is used to confer great respect. -dono:this comes from the word 'tono'.which means 'lord'.It is aneven higher level than -sama and confers utmost respect. -kun:this suffix is used at the end of boys' names to express familiarity or endearment.it is also sometimes used by men among friends or when addressing someone younger or of a lower station. -chan:this is used to express endearment , mostly towards girls.it is also used for little boys,pets,and even among lovers.it gives a sense of childish cuteness. sempai:this title suggest that the addressee is one's senior in a group or organization.it is most often used in school setting,where underclassmen refer to their upperclassmen as sempai.it can also be used in a work place. kohai:this is the opposite of sempai and is used toward underclassmen in school or newcomers in the work place.it connotes that the addresee is of a lower station. sensei:literally meaning 'one who has come before' this title is used for teachers,doctors,or masters of any profession or art. -(blank):Perhaps the most significant difference between japanese and english.The lack of honorific means a speaker has permission to address the person in a very intimate way.Usually,only family,spouses,or very close friends have this kind of permission.Known as yobisute,it can be gratifying when someone who has earned the intimacy start to call one by one's name without an honorific.But when that intimacy hasn't been earned,it can also be very insulting. so that's all there is.I'll try to find what's the meaning of han.. ^_^ |
Re: if someone calls you...
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Ooo Thanks, u no ur stuff ^_^ (Nice Kenshin pics =P) ![]() |
Re: if someone calls you...
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one of my frenz told me my name translated into japanese would be "moshino-chan" ..dunno whether that's right but ppl call me that sometimes =O sounds a bit like hoshino=star? |