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The Universal Archetype of the Hero + the journey
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-01 14:19:39
Throught all religions, stories, and myths one can see that they are all in essence the same basic story just told differently. Each contains certain archetypes such as the villian and hero. After watching a lot of anime I have found that anime also follows these same basic prnciples. A hero in theory partakes on journey in most literature and other mediums. I will use shinji ikari form eva as my example. Shinji first starts out as a young boy not sure of himself and certainly doent think of himself as a hero. However when confronted with a calamitous event in this case the attack of the angel and introduction to rei he is thrust form his comfortable belay and begins the journey. Along the way shinji encounters a life changing moment in this case the time he is enveloped by the angel of night. This varitable belly of the whale in which shinji finds himself changes him and he overcomes it and continues his journey. Shinji faces trials both in the form of the angels as well as dealing with his own personal demons which leads him to the next stage of the journey. The godess, the temptress , ad the father figure all presnt themselves to shinji in the form of gendou, misato, rei, and asuka. After overcomig all these things our hero either returns to the begining or forms a new path. In shinjis case he created a new world thus making his own path. There are many examples of this in other anime shows I encourage you to look for the signs and wonder do all humas think fundamentally alike?
-Feo muchacho

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Re: The Universal Archetype of the Hero + the journey
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-09-01 16:03:58
I suppose all people (and really, anything with free will) fundamentally think alike as we all want to have hope and happiness in our lives because it drives us to live in the first place. Really, the only difference in the ways that we think stem from the ever varient circumstances in our lives and what we place value into regarding how we react to said circumstances (that's just my assumption though).

In a way though I guess every person's life could be considered a "journey" with said person being the "hero" of the journey. Considering the near infinite paths a person can take in his/her life, it really makes to an incredible story for each person.

A hero though in a sense is a person who works past problems (in Shinji's case, deep rooted fear) in order to find true happiness.

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

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