Who here at Gendou do you think is or will be a 'big name' member and why? By this I mean Gendou members on the forum that stand out for some reason or another and are known by a good number of people. Just give the name of someone who stands out from other members on the forum and the reason why you think they do.
eternaltorture stands out. She's all over the forums and is kind of crazy[In a good way]
Here's what we have so far for the 'big name' member poll.
Notable Members current list
Lady Maia:
Karuzo-For her "wai's"
Evil Kitty- For her "wai's"
Bloodymoon-For her musings and being called mama.
Engineer-For her EBIL and her EBER and all the other words she has invented.
Hisoka-For her wai~
Sai- who stayed for a month and doesn't know her?
Suzaku- for her "wai", and her cheerfulness!
Dragon Negro- simply for being her, just to nice and cute and because her profile is too cool (and because she made me her slave so i have to suport her [see arrow game])
FA- for being frypan craaaaaaaaazy too!!~~ hehe~
Pame- I love her!! She is so funny! And her wai just gets stuck in my head...i imagine how it sounds in real life!
Sagara- funny
Fratello- hyper active, posts a lot
Gacktlover- WAI!~
Honey'ko- of her WAI and her post~~~
Nekomimi- Shes the cute girl making everybody laugh with her funny posts "waii~!"
Jomunga- Haruhi person, wields frypans, wai, ebilgoo, etc
Jonathon- Because she's hyper and funny.XD
Imppy- She is insane, crazy, funny, senseless (in a good way) and I'm her worshipper oωo
Jonathon-For her frypans and good looks.^_^
Bloodymoon-Same reason. For frypan craziness.
Hisoka-For her frypans
Sai-introduced me and many other members to the world of frypans...And pretty ^^
Suzaku- for her nick as "Miss Frypan" and her kindness
Lady Maia- Frypanmania! X3 our leader! *bows* lolz...
Sagara- cool girl
Fratello- of course, you cant forget her
zparticus- like michiyo she's unforgettable
Honey'ko- pretty girl who looks like fan bin bin...
Pame- She's so cool!!! And i love her whacks!
Nekomimi- The pritiest girl in gendou, and shes also post nice and cool posts.
Jomunga- Invetor of the frypan, at least the battle version, she was Moony's gf for while
Imppy- I haven't seen her in a while, but I really miss her since she's a great girl~!
Jonathon-For her craziness and posting[Seen a lot]
Suzaku- for her tomboy-ness and her butt-kicking attitude!! XDD
Lady Maia- craziness [in a good way ^^].. and she keeps joking about her being a lesbian =.=
Fratello- who could forget her? kind, posts a lot, shows up but not very often =[ still stands out! =]
zparticus- head strong
Jomunga- Spunky girl, acts alot older than she is, kinda like sweet and sour sauce
Imppy- I miss this member~! I feel nostalgic everytime I remember her
Bloodymoon- For cool Gundam RP
Suzaku- for being the creator of this thread (shows that he is thoughtful and kind) ^_^
Karuzo- for his good judgement [rp]
Inorganic Angel- cuz' you're so smart, and you came to my defense..teehee
Dragon Negro- for his greats pics, good for you
FA- soooo awesome! ^.^ so nice and understanding! wuv u~ <3
Pame- He is a cool guy!!!
Sagara- a smart nice guy thats also a great rpyer
Fratello- you make a lot of difference in the forums, you make a certain atmohsphere
zparticus- doing some cool threads and posting alot!
Gacktlover- makes wicked RPs
Honey'ko- cool guy and cute with nekomimi
spring3- His nice ^^ and he makes great topic at the ''Waste your time'' section
Nekomimi- well, i like him, but the main reasons are that hes nice person who doesnt think too much of himself. Actually he seems to think more about everybody else but himself. And then hes shy, and so am i. Its fun to talk with him. And he almost owns the RPG section in here :D
Jomunga- Seems to RP in all the places I dont. Very active member
Imppy- I believe he is the descendant of Shishio, the next God of Threads~! A great and noticeable guy oωo
Jonathon- For the most forum posts and cool looking avy's.
Fratello- posts a lot, and does a lot of things to help people!
Nekomimi- i dont know him so good either, but he posts a lot!
Jomunga- Long known pal, see him everywhere. I chased him with poes
DN- Bloodymoon, he post a lot in the waste of time
Imppy- A great RPer
Lady Maia- he is funny! wai~ and... our 'temporary' leader! *whack* ^^
FA- is also awesome! XD
Sagara- a really funny nice guy and he put me in his list
Jomunga- One of my best known friends from gendou, talk to him on MSN too. We carries similar ideals, Was FA's bf b4
Jonathon- Good guy to talk to.
Suzaku- for her obsession of Yami no Matsuei (and Hisoka XD)!!
Lady Maia- ohh.. the Hisoka lover! gotta add her! wai~! my friend! and a pinoy... ^^
Karuzo- another frypan maniac
spring3- her wai~ and frypan ^^
Jomunga- HAHa, she was my slave for awhile
Suzaku- for being the sweetest person I've ever met!
Jomunga- I seen her around b4
Suzaku- for his wry sense of humor and gentleness to every girl XDD (lolz ^^)
Jomunga- Maker of the crush thread
Suzaku- for his spark ^^
Fratello- oh, of course, who could forget this guy!?
zparticus- like his sig and he's ok and likes cool fonts
Honey'ko- post lots of nice posts too
Nekomimi- He got that moose, and looks good. He hates me sometimes for posting stupid things (i think xD) but i like him anyways =P
Jomunga- Destroyer of Mooses, smart one, I his future job will be in Engineering, started the scary face contest with him
Lady Maia- One of my friends! wai~ ^^ first girl to pop in my mind [toink~] hihihi ^^.. oh and she's "Ms. Innocent" hehehe ^^
FA- wooooooo~ another frypan member!!
Fratello- posts a lot, very kind, and stands out
Jomunga- I see her around often in threads
Imppy- The first gendou member that I had a long conversation with~!
Ebil Kitty:
Lady Maia- my fyrpan friend!
FA- kawaii pictures!
Pame- She is so kind!! And such a nice person!!
Fratello- Psh, who can forget her? loves cats, posts a lot, kind person XD
Nekomimi- The girl i like most at here gendou ^_^ She posts so nice
thigs and shes more mature than most of us ^^'
Jomunga- She had a cute sig and likes cats
Imppy- I remember her drawing some good pics~
Suzaku- many reasons!! Want me to list them all? ^^
FA- is my clan member~~ hehe
Fratello- Woot! frypan clan! who can forget him!? posts a lot, funny, kind, awsome =]
Jomunga- His posts pop in at times and they are usually memorable
Dragon Negro- because she love us all, hehe, her sig catch a lot my attention
Fratello- she loves us all XD, has an awsome sig, posts a lot, very notable
zparticus- always happy and cheerful
Honey'ko- hawt girl posting in and she loves picssssssssssssssss
Nekomimi- Shes gorgeus! And loves everybody as do i!
Jomunga- She posts pics and loves us all.
Jonathon- Sweet and helpful.^_^
Imppy- A GREAT singer~!! I just love her voice~!
FA- i loved the pink hair~! lol
Pame- I loved the pink hair! ^-^
Fratello- very awsome dood, (yes i know im spelling dood instead of "dude", im just too lazy XD) and has a wife on gendou! (omigosh!)
Schala/Kid- first guy I really ever remembered on this site
zparticus- for his purple hair!kidding he's an ok guy!
Honey'ko- the sweetest and cutest and coolest and funniest guy ever
Nekomimi- I just love that hair! I dont know so much about him. But i cant forget that hair ^^' And ofc hes nice one too!
Sagara- rp'd with him before
Imppy- I once RPed with Jomunga before, it was fun~!
FA- an awesome friend and an awesome person to talk to~ ^__^ oh!! and she's also in the same uni faculty as me~! nyaaaaa~!
Fratello- very kind, awosme, posts a lot XD
Jomunga- Sach's gf, very nice and angel-like I remember trying to teach her how to use torrents and that didnt work
Pame- Awesome pictures!!
Fratello- posts a lot, very kind, loves cats! :3
zparticus- for her nice pics and pleasant attitude
Honey'ko- pretty girl who posts cool pics and is shy talking to jonathan
spring3- The cat lover ^^
Jomunga- cat lover and good at pic taking
Jonathon- Very sweet and nice. I really like, she's shy like me, but was brave enough to admit her crushes and what she thinks of them. A great girl who's also very pretty.
Imppy- She has some skills~! Her arts are unbelievable~!
Pame- Such a sweet girl!!
Fratello- jOmUngas wife! kind, sweet, theyre all cool
DN- i have a lot of fun with her, yay!!
Nekomimi- Shes such cute too! i dont know her so good either, but you cant be here without noticing her!
Jomunga- Obviously the bestest cutiest sweetiest wifiest wifie there ever was and she is my wifie too. She is also very cute and is sweet like honey and is the best, obviously.
Dragon Negro:
Pame- Always posting in the forums, and because he is South American like me!
Fratello- posts a lot too, in a good way, my buddy =]
zparticus- for his columbia tour!
Honey'ko- i had fun with him toooo
Nekomimi- We hang in the critics bar too much, and hes funny and caring!
Jomunga- The columbian, plays nice with Honeyko
DN- Funny guy, posted lots of good pics.
Imppy- I like this guy, he follows Pame around which makes me feel good dattebayo~!
Sagara- cool and fun to rp with
zparticus- good to rp with
Jomunga- RPed with him b4, nice guy
Lu Bu:
Fratello- has a very good rep of being an awsome dood for his pics XD
zparticus- always full of info!hahaha
Gacktlover- is fricking hilarious
Honey'ko- funny and crazy..hahah
Nekomimi- He got smart posts, and some opinion! I have talked with him only few times, but he sticked into my mind.
Jomunga- Holy cow man with the poring lamp, he is funny and clever
Fratello- Nice guy, posts a lot, very awsome =]
Jomunga- Hard to spell name, I see him around
Feo Muchacho:
Fratello- hahaha who could forget his pics in the "show your pics" thread!?
Jomunga- Hey posts in the thinker threads
Fratello- posts a lot, and helps a lot around this site!
Jomunga- See him here and there, makes a nice point
Fratello- hahaha s/he just made an appearance on the "other" section, just saw him/her reply to a lot of things
Fratello- i think s/he's a mod, anyway, s/he makes an appearance twice a week but still is very noticable
Schala/Kid- So many funny stories
zparticus- for his good advices in the depression thread
Honey'ko- loooooooooooooong posts
Jomunga- Big smarty pants, always hang out with him in the depression thread, great advice giver and very good person. Good in arguements too
Fratello- hahaha just made an appearance and started posting! very suprising
Jomunga- Obviously loves Gackt, well so do I from when he was with Malice Mizer
Kai Femto:
Fratello- posts a lot on the "other" section of the forum, kind person!
Jomunga- Saw some of his pics, cool looking guy
Project Koganei:
Fratello- hahaha very awsome, ind, posts a lot, awsome
Jomunga- This guy will make a good bf, he is very sincere and nice
Imppy- Kuya koga is such a cool guy, I love his attitude desu~!
Fratello- posts a lot, unny, kind, awsome
Gacktlover- I love your avatar!
Nekomimi- The ultimate turtle fan! Im too! He always goes "hehehe" and its sometimes hilarious xD
Jomunga- Turtle man who wields a butcher knife, always positive posts
Jonathon- Great guy, gets more and more active every day.
Fratello- you cant forget his avatar! =]
Schala/Kid- I was in the Depression Thread for ages
Honey'ko- looooooooong posts
Jomunga- Started the depression thread, always like to talk to him, and he is goth
Fratello- of course his kindess and his Love hina sig XD
Nekomimi- He posts nice things too! And likes my posts ;D
Jomunga- I watched him in this anime where he lived in an all girl dorm and got mistreaded a lot, I was surprised he was a gendou member too
zparticus- for writing my name!hahaha
Michiyo- for being too cute to get the wrong people to be his mods
Gacktlover- is on every page
Honey'ko- funny and crazy..hahah
Nekomimi- hes so funny! I have laughed like hours and hours reading his posts. And he posts LOADS! And yea, i like him too ^^' And he lisstens some goood music too! Doushite!
Jomunga- hahaha, he is a funny one. I voted for him. Always puts fun into his posts
Imppy- lol, this guy/girl/whatever, I love his style~! *rolls down fetish position*
zparticus- also an rp addict like imppy
Jomunga- I RPed with him b4
Jonathon- Great guy, rp's a lot and I've known him for a long time.
Imppy- This RP guy is the best~! He RPs a lot, and it's only rare for him to post out of Gendou city dattebayo~!
Gacktlover- My bestest buddy ever
Fratello- funny and posts a lot
Jomunga- Canada girl with maple syrup, talked to her in depression thread
Jonathon- Great girl, used to talk a lot on MSN, but we don't anymore.T_T
Gacktlover- is like my bestest net buddy
Jomunga- Ou another depression thread comrade and creator of the happiness thread, always seems to be in a good mood
Honey'ko- another good friend ^^
Jomunga- Honeyko's friend and she is cool, gonna see her soon
Cerestial Lau:
Nekomimi- Shes cute (i desire one scarf of her :D) and posts funny posts and loads.
Nekomimi- Hes the other one of my finnish friends here. He likes many of the same animes i do, and he got guinea-pig o.O (hes gonna to let it eat my cat.. he said its big enough)
Jonathon- RP's a lot, have known him for a while. Ever since the Gundam RP started.
Pame- She´s just awesome! Melon Bread!!
Pame- A great person! We have talked a lot! :)
Pame- Really pretty girl! And nice too! Yaay!
Imppy- She's good to talk with~! I really had fun with her in PMs, her questions are very entertaining makes me go weeeh~!!
Pame- Greta grear girl! She´s a really nice person
Pame- What can in say! He´s an awesome guy!
Imppy- Aah~! I adore this guy, he's such a winner oωo
Imppy- THis guy is weird and very energetic O.o he foams his mouth when he gets excited XD
Imppy- Gackt L's arts are the best~!
Nekomimi- My cute girlie from finland! ultimate tenipuri fan, and is afraid of people wearing those stupid animal suits. Im afaid of those creatures too o.O
Here's the list of each seperate user and who they have mentioned already. If you don't see your name it's because I haven't gotten to you yet.
Lady Maia
Evil Kitty-
Lady Maia
Lady Maia
Lady Maia
Lady Maia
Lady Maia
Lady Maia
Dragon Negro-
Lady Maia
Lady Maia
Evil Kitty
Lady Maia
Evil Kitty
Dragon Negro
Lady Maia
Lady Maia
Evil Kitty
Lu Bu
Project Koganei
Lady Maia
Lu Bu