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Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-09-24 19:06:11
My resources have mixed reactions to the word.

Wiki article on otaku

Based on this article, (I know wiki's not 100% accurate) otaku seems to be to Japan what nerd is to America. I would comfortably describe myself as a nerd.

When using the word in a discussion on a website unrelated to this one, the word was met with much stigma. They said that the word was much worse than nerd, and even that someone calling themselves it in Japan would have rocks thrown at them. O_o

When I first heard this word, I didn't know what it meant and looked it up. After reading the wiki article I decided I liked it. I have not used it to describe myself very many times, not nearly as comfortably as nerd, but since it was met with such a violent reaction I wanted to know more, and thought this would be a more authoritive place to ask than the other website.

Now for my question: Are my sources lightening the term's negativity, or are the people on the site over-reacting?

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by imppy on 2006-09-25 04:41:48
How foolish, it's like a jihad or religious war, fighting against that someone because he/she adores something against YOU. People who posted that article are stereotyping and they don't even know much about otakus.

I, myself, am not considered to be an otaku since I don't really have a specific interest. ALthough it's just annoying to hear that they call people who love anime nerds, worse than nerds.

Anyway, let's just stick to positive reactions, sometimes the term otaku can also be a compliment, and not all people despise them. Otakus might have contributed so much in anime industries [i don't know what you call that but i'm not good at debates] and made what anime as been today.

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-09-25 06:45:57
there is a fine line between fans and fanatics!hehehehe
and crossing that border is unhealthy anime or non anime wise

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2006-09-25 08:34:46 (edited 2006-09-25 08:35:50)
Otakus are merely fanatics... If you are obssessed with a certain hobby you're an otaku of that certain Hobby...

Although "Otaku" is generally used in Japan to describe Anime fanatics... this is wrong as it generalizes the word to only the Anime community...

However... "Otaku" can be used to describe people who adore other hobbies like Sports...

Therefore people who say that an "Otaku" is automaticallly a "Nerd" or "Geek" is clearly wrong

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by Eiko on 2006-09-25 12:53:15
I consider myself an otaku, a nerd and a geek.

as to the relative insult of the word... well I suppose it all depends on your perspective doesn't it?

as for Wikipedia. I hate it. It's a consensus reality, it's not actual facts or dictionary meanings of anything nor does it generally have an "Expert" writing articles on particular subjects. ANYONE can go in an edit the articles, edit the facts and make general mayhem. I consider it highly unreliable and definitely NOT a research resource. A Wikipedia entry, to me, is no better than political rhetoric during an election year.

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by sadotaku on 2006-09-25 13:17:41 (edited 2006-09-25 13:21:58)
Its not so bad beeng a otaku i think.But not everyone think so :'-(

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Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-09-25 13:28:13
Yea, I consider myself as an otaku. Just look at my laptop...anime wallpapers, filled with anime music, pictures, even the folder's icons are in anime characters. Then, look at the stickers i paste on my external hard-disk drives:Chobits, Digi Charat, Angelic Layer stickers all over the drives...Even my mousepad's a limited edition Chobits mousepad XD.

Then welcome to my room, you'll see figurines, plamos, posters...I even hung an unused shirt and pinned my anime badges and anime pinbadges. My bookshelves is filled with manga, that I can only assigned one small shelf for my textbooks...I used to have an Angelic Layer(featuring Blanche) wind chime, which broke 9 months ago...too bad my bedsheet is not in mom forbid it... so yea...if my friends were to come in my room, they'll for sure be gawking in my room...hurrah for otakuness!!

So yea...I am an otaku(most of my classmates are surprised by how otaku i am >_<) XD

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Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-09-25 17:37:50 (edited 2006-10-05 17:25:09)
I thought this was deleted! :(

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by kumahachi on 2006-09-25 21:10:19
to answer your question... in my opinion i think people are over reacting. what difference does it make. everyone has something they are really into. i don't veiw the word otaku as bad and it doesn't bother me when someone calls me that. people tend to label others in an attempt to describe them all in one shot, like nerd, treky or jock. when you hear that it conjurs a picture in your head and you think you know the person. one work like otaku does not encompas all of the demensions of your being. maybe just a part of it. some people are just haters.

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-09-25 22:31:04 (edited 2006-09-25 23:54:40)
How is it recieved in Japan? Is it true that if I were to call myself an otaku in Japan people would throw rocks at me? (I don't actually hate the people I was talking to, even though I disagreed with them here.)

I'm going to delete this thread as soon as I am satisfied with it's conclusion.

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by imppy on 2006-09-26 03:43:21
I think that statement was just a figure of speech. If you're an otaku doesn't literally mean people would throw rocks at you, it's considered as a crime [no, really], i think people would just hate you or something but I merely believe that.

Re: Would you describe yourself as an Otaku?
Link | by karuzo on 2006-09-26 03:46:01
hey whats wrong beign a otaku?

there are 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ways to call an otaku


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