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Elfien Lied question (possible spoiler)
Link | by Revelation on 2006-10-10 08:47:57 (edited 2006-10-10 08:55:40)
well, i was just wonderin.
in Elfen Lied Yuka falls in love with Kouda, but aren't they both cousins or somthing?

is there some sort of theme of forbidden love behind that or that the director is just...y'know, stuff?

or is it neither and the english dubbing just sucks?

Image hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic "They can't catch me when im on fire!"

Re: Elfien Lied question (possible spoiler)
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2006-10-10 09:00:35 (edited 2006-10-10 09:00:49)
i saw the title and i was, like...



anyhow, i haven't seen it, but it's grabbing my attention.

by the way, could you please add a to your ava? it's bolding
everything up. ^^ or, i dunno. fix it please. ><


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: Elfien Lied question (possible spoiler)
Link | by Revelation on 2006-10-10 09:07:39 (edited 2006-10-10 09:11:51)
oh so that's why my sig went dead. sorry bout that. however, i've forgotten all of psoplayers hint's due to a week without school. i'll just use a regular print for now.

*note*please dont use my real name. if you have to change it, change it to El Ninio allright?

um, yeah, watch it, very interesting

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