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よろしくねぇ~! (Yoroshiku~)
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-10-25 20:52:21
ハイ! ★ Umm... I have a stupid question to ask.. (^//^;;;) Can anyone tell me how to use "yoroshiku" when speaking in Japanese??? My teacher told us that there is no real translation for it in English. But it seems like many people here know when to use it... Does anyone also know when not to use it?? ★ Thanks!!!

あのう、 質問が あるですけど・・・ 今 何年も 日本語を 習っているですけど、 この 基本語の 意味が わからなくて、 ちょっと 恥ずかしいです‥ (^//^;;;) 最初から 先生は どうぞ、よろしくって言う 意味を 英語に あんまり 訳せないと おっしゃいました。 だから、 使う時と 使わない時も わかりません。。。 (涙) 誰か よろしくって言う 意味と 使い方を 教えてくれませんか? ←↑(変な 日本語で ごめんね!)

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: よろしくねぇ~! (Yoroshiku~)
Link | by on 2006-10-25 21:49:56
When not to? It's just one of those things that you have to know when to say it. Hmm, it's like saying 'hello' when you're supposed to be saying 'goodbye' ... one of those kinds of things. I guess one example when not to use it is an obvious one: when you're introducing yourself, you start with 'yoroshiku' instead of 'hajimemashite'. That would be one example I'd think of. :P

Re: よろしくねぇ~! (Yoroshiku~)
Link | by on 2006-10-26 05:45:02
Yoroshiku is used in conversations where you have to introduce yourself, or somebody is being introduced to you. 'yoroshiku onegai shimasu' means 'pleased to meeet you' yoroshiku can also be used alone in casual conversation, and it can still mean 'pleased to meet you'.

Re: よろしくねぇ~! (Yoroshiku~)
Link | by Fiorella on 2006-11-02 05:22:46

Re: よろしくねぇ~! (Yoroshiku~)
Link | by Eiko on 2006-11-02 17:14:35
yoroshiku is more along the lines of "Please think well of me" or "Remember me with kindness" especially in the context of meeting someone for the first time. It can also be used when asking someone for a favor or when you ask that your regards be passed on to a mutual acquaintance. But 99% of the time, you'll only use it when introductions are being made.

And you can use both yoroshiku and hajimemashite in the same intro... It's extremely polite and not necessary most of the time, but it's usually better to err on the side of formality.

Re: よろしくねぇ~! (Yoroshiku~)
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-11-10 19:04:44
あぁ‥そう なん ですか? 実は、日本語の 授業で 自己紹介で 「はじめまして」と 「よろしく」も 両方を 使いましたょ。v(^^;;) 皆さん、よろしくって言う 意味と 使い方を 教えてくれて ありがとう ございました! ※★※ 今は もう 少し よく わかる と思います。 ありがとう! ★

...It seems like Japanese people use "yoroshiku" more often in situations other than introductions.. or maybe that's just my imagination. Well, I want my Japanese to sound like a native speaker, not like a baka gaijin... m(― ―;;)m

では、日本語の 勉強を 続けましょう!★?★!

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: よろしくねぇ~! (Yoroshiku~)
Link | by EmptyMind on 2006-11-10 21:35:17
From what I understand, sometimes they say it when they're entrusting themselves to someone else.

This is an example from my text book, maybe it will help:

>,>; Did I just say that...?

Re: よろしくねぇ~! (Yoroshiku~)
Link | by MINEKURA on 2006-11-26 05:55:33


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