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Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-19 14:28:34
AHh! I jsut finish wacthing GetBacks The whole thing! It's Sad that it ending in ep 49.... Is there a second season i don't know about? What happen? how come they didn't Finish going to babalon City! Grrr.... G...Gao... Plz tell me theres anotehr season lol T.T

Re: GetBackers
2 word!! "Kami no Kijutsu"

永��切り札�(Eien no Kirifuda!)切り札���中(Kirifuda wa Kimi no Naka)

Re: GetBackers
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-19 23:08:34
And that means?

Re: GetBackers
Link | by Slad on 2005-03-20 08:42:15
there is know second season,but there is their drama cd for the manga

Re: GetBackers
Link | by chibimeli on 2005-03-21 17:57:24
drama cd? what's that?
and my gosh, there is a second season for the anime? yippie!

life sucks.... only when you're a vacuum...

Re: GetBackers
Link | by malz on 2005-03-21 22:12:58
What's a drama cd?

Re: GetBackers
Link | by Bummerout on 2005-03-22 01:57:27
there's a second season!!??!! YAY?? yeah and umm wats a drama cd?? -_-?
btw anyone know where i can d/l get backers episodes?? though i need only 1 particular one.. :S

Re: GetBackers
Link | by chibimeli on 2005-03-22 08:08:29
haha, that's easy! try ebay!

life sucks.... only when you're a vacuum...

Re: GetBackers
Link | by stunspore on 2005-03-22 13:36:15
how many episodes in 1st season?

Re: GetBackers
Link | by Makkusu on 2005-03-24 04:33:50
about 20 something im in the middle if the first season so please dont spoil it for me ^-^'

Re: GetBackers
Link | by AyuTateishi on 2005-03-26 03:37:53
I think there is no season 2 of Get Backers the anime. The story continues only in the manga. The first season has 49 episodes.

Re: GetBackers
Link | by Makkusu on 2005-03-26 10:42:48
really thats way more more than i thought it was well its good to no im not going to run out of anime^-^'

Re: GetBackers
Link | by kamui_shidou on 2005-04-02 02:13:06
wish there was one though... the series focused too much on Ginji in my opinion... I wish they'd focus on ban's past also...

Sin can only be erased by blood.... intocaccible- Noir

Re: GetBackers
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-04-03 01:32:38
Urm... not sure there is a second season you know.. >_> Ban's past is posted dunno how many books after the one which followed the TV version. SIGH... But if there was a second season I'd be surprised...

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: GetBackers
Link | by youandmeboth on 2005-05-18 20:52:22
I love Get Backers, but I have to agree, that it focuses too much on Ginji, and I think the way he's so attatched to Ban is just too much. A bit overreacting. Maybe that's just me, I'm not fond of Yaoi, but it's ok.

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