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New User >.<
Link | by NeoDragon on 2006-10-26 20:51:41
lol hey i just registered cause i was looking for some samurai champloo songs >.< Well im currently learning japanese and i saw theres a section for Japanese things which ima go check out. I hope you will all be willing to help me learn some Japanese ^^ i would appreaciate that. Well heres my lifes story. Im a regular americanized mexican guy who was born in usa, has and is dating mostly white girls and my ex gf was chinese >.< which was pretty cool. I was really into anime because of friends in high school and ever since then i've been a fanatic. My ex gf's friend was the person that really introduced me to anime (which is why i mentioned that gf stuff before) she gave me a copy of hunter x hunter and now im mostly into the action/comedy like hunter x hunter, samurai champloo, initial d and the o so popular, naruto (among many others). kk well that should be enough for this intro :). btw im a 18 yrl college student so :p. I know im old but i just cant get enough of anime.

Re: New User >.<
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-10-26 23:39:02
Who made anime age restricted?


Welcome! Be sure to read all the rules.

BTW, your signature is too tall. Use height="100"

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: New User >.<
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-10-26 23:49:06
wai~! AHOY~! welcome to gendou~!

have fun~! wai~!

*insert epic picture here*

Re: New User >.<
Link | by BUBsterella on 2006-10-27 00:52:27
Hi!! I'm pretty new, too. So far this place has been cool. Sorry I can't help you learn Japanese, I only know a couple words.. I have a friend who took classes and she told me that it was very difficult. Her name is Pame, and she's on this website, actually, if you want to ask her about it. She posts a lot in the OTHER threads!

Welcome to Gendou!

Re: New User >.<
Link | by on 2006-10-27 05:22:50
Tervetuloa! (no its not japanese, sorry t.t its finnish instead :D) But it seems we got the same intrests about anime! ^______^ I love HunterxHunter, samurai champloo, Fullmetal alchemist, Get backers, Black cat, Kiba, Jyo-oh-sei and the likes of those :)
I was introduced about anime by girl too! yes im girl too, but anyways! She showed me the "spirited away" (<3) and i started to seek for more anime! Since then (about year or so) i have been watching, more or less active anime series of all kind. But HEY! Now its starting to be my introducion o.O Oko, ill quit about chatting now xD

So WELCOME once again, and btw, why should we let kids keep anime >.< its for everybody! Owiee~! I hope yall enjoy :>

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Re: New User >.<
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2006-10-27 09:00:52
Hi Neo Dragon, yay!! another Dragon, i'm happy, welcome to gendou

here is mi pic, hahaha

Re: New User >.<
Link | by NeoDragon on 2006-10-27 09:33:41
lol well i've never been the only "dragon" i play fps's on my free time so theres a lot of people i get to talk to on vent and then in rl some tourney and stuff. I dont have much time for games anymore so thats why i just watch anime whenever i got a free minute or 2. Heres a site for my clan on fps called Rtcw (Return to Castle Wolfenstein) its old but the community has grown to be very familiar with each other and it has "bonded"? us lol.
Check out the sig section for sigs i've made >.< im not very good but atleast i try. Oh and yes i'll fix my sig and read the rules so i can know what to do and not do. Hajimimaste and arigato for the songs NekoMimi.

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