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Hey there! Karmi-Sempai here!
Link | by Karmi-Sempai on 2006-10-27 21:01:52
Hey there! Karmi-Sempai here!

Well, like everyone else here, I'm a newbie, too! My friends suggested me to this website. Funny though, my classmate told me to go to! I couldn't get anything out of it! Luckily, my friends gave me the right spelling!

Here are my seven ticks:

1) anime
2) drawing
3) soccer
4) computers and the Internet
5) noodles and candy
6) mysteries and detectives
7) my great grandpa's pocketwatch

You could also find me at if you're interested. Heck, you guys might want to join in! Go right ahead!

If you have any questions for me or if you want any help, I'll be willing to help you guys out!

Re: Hey there! Karmi-Sempai here!
Link | by on 2006-10-27 21:22:20
Hello Karmi-Sempai!!!
I'm Pame...a girl who loves pictures! I'm from Peru!
WELCOME TO GENDOU!!! I'm glad you found the right site!! Yaaayyy
So..remember to read the rules and Follow them!!1
And can have fun!!!
You can post in the forums! They are a lot of fun! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Hey there! Karmi-Sempai here!
Link | by on 2006-10-28 04:01:59
hey ya, Karmi-Sempa! I love ya already! Ill call you Karmie from now on =D Its Nekomimi here, the ultimate cat lover <3

I actually went peeping into one site, and luckily! There was one person who had written, that if you want anime music go to He said nothing about the chatting chances here o.O And i think its more fun to just talk with people than download music, though, i have downloaded much ^^'

I love most of those thigs too (i love your grandpa's pocketwatch more than you do!) But soccer >.< I have bad memories.. I once kikced that ball i a bit weird way, and i actually didnt hit it at all and landed on my back at the asphalt road, *aches* So you wont get soccer player from me ^^'

I checked your deviant gallery, and youll be amazing drawer soon! It looks good already!

heres my "gift" at ya :)

The top rated songs of! *fanfare*
Top Songs

Enjoy being here!

Re: Hey there! Karmi-Sempai here!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2006-10-28 11:06:55
Hi you, Welcome (ahh, Neko-chan first, damn)

read the rules, have fun, and here's a gift.

Re: Hey there! Karmi-Sempai here!
Link | by gendou on 2006-10-28 12:04:20
just a little tip, you shouldn't refer to yourself as -sempai, it sounds conceded.
not to mention, im pretty sure i am your sempai, because i am 8,000 years old.

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